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Falling for Holly: A Christmas Love Story

Falling for Holly: A Christmas Love Story

Rosemarie J. Alvarez


Meet Holly Winter and Blake Lincoln. Blake father's leaked out fake information about his son is looking for his wife for Christmas when Holly's little sister sent an email to Blake's father that lead Blake to travel to Holly's hometown in Gloucester, Ma. Blake's father made a deal with him to go meet Holly and see if there was an sparks that could possible happened. Holly's parents and Blake's parents are old time friends that lost contact over the years. The Lincoln' s was unaware that the Winter's parents have lost their lives in what looked like a robbery in their Christmas shop that Holly now runs. Holly has been struggling from her parent's death from three years ago. Will Blake find his wife like his father hoped for by Christmas or will his father's plan fail to find Blake a wife and help the Winter Sisters?

Chapter 1 TMZ Story

"Holly!", My sister screamed across the living room. She been living with me since she was eight and I was eighteen. It was more of us living in our parents' home.

Our parents had died that year and it been tough for her on Christmas.

It was hard on me.

That was the day we lost them.

They was checking over the inventory in our Christmas Shoppe and the numbers to see how well they did for the whole year up to that point. We ran all year round when we got robbed.

I still do but it is tough.

Everyone knew that Christmas Eve was our biggest sales day because everyone getting their last-minute presents and decorations before the big guy came to visit.

Our parents would do the run-down Christmas morning before getting us all up.

Before I was old enough to watch over my little sister in the morning, Mrs. Hunter, our neighbor that I swear was not human on how old she is and still running around like she a twenty-year-old woman; she would watch us.

Mrs. Hunter came over that morning like old times.

My father tried to give the robbers everything that we had in cash, but that didn't stop them from shooting my parents.

They took nothing at the end.

They just fled after killing them.

Correction they did take one thing and it was something that no one could give back.

My sister and I have been keeping up our traditions with the store, but this year was the hardest for us.

We were losing money, and in the red for about a year and half. I can't keep up with the bills.

It been three years since that Christmas.

We was going on number four and it wasn't getting any easier for us.

We haven't hit Halloween yet and we already feeling the pressure of the store and our parent's death.

On top of all that my birthday is on Christmas.

"Holly!" she screamed from the living room taking me out of my thoughts. I got up from the pile of bills as I walked into the living room when I threw my arms to the side, "What?" She pointed to the television as TMZ was running a story on the hot Blake Lincoln.

The Lincoln's is one of the richest family in New England. He is one of the most single rich playboy men around the world.

He was the oldest of the four brothers and two sisters. All was in the spotlight except for one sister. She kept her name out of the media. We know about her, but we don't know who she is. I give that girl credit. I don't know if I would want to be in the spotlight either.

He was like six feet from what I heard; dark hair, killer eyes of gold, chiseled body, and face with a five-clock shadow.

He was walking god.

We watched TMZ as they announced that he is looking for a wife. Oh lord, here we go. He is going cause every single and not so single woman to go crazy.

I chuckled as I shut the television off, "I think he just like the attention." She shook her head, "I think you should send in your picture to him." I busted out laughing, "Melissa are you crazy. I would never do that. Plus, I need to take care of you, and you are a handful as it is."

Here goes the crazy little sister act. Trying to get me to go out on some date, with some guy. She would have tried to get Austin to date me, but he married. She is going to be the death of me.

I don't need a relationship.

Not when I have so much on my plate.

Blake's Point of View

"Dad, Are you serious?" I stormed into my parent's home.

He popped his head into the foyer as he smirked, "Serious, about?"

I shook my head, "You know what I am talking about. TMZ." His smirk fell, "Oh, you saw that."

I nodded my head, "Yeah dad, kind of hard to miss now that I have all these crazy bimbos looking to marry me."

I shook my head, "It was bad enough before, but now. What the hell were you thinking?"

He placed his hair into his white hair, "Listen, Blake. You are not getting any younger and your mom and I will not be here much longer."

My mother hummed as she walked in and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I don't agree with your father's method, but he is right. We just want to see you happy."

I shook my head, "What if I wanted to stay single for the rest of my life?" My father shook his head as he walked towards office, "Not an option plus your children will take over after you."

I choked, "Children. Shit, dad. I don't want to get marry never mind have children." He shook his head as he pulled up his email, "You will find a wife and one that we will be proud to have."

I waved my hand around, "And what all about that love crap, blah blah." He chuckled, "I think over time with the right woman you learn to love her."

I groaned, "Dad!"

He been waiting for the day to get marry. I am the oldest and all of my siblings are married and having kids. All of us Lincoln children, all but one.


I tilted my as my father read email when he teared up. I walked closer to his desk, "Dad. You are okay?"

He nodded his head as he wiped a tear away, "You remember me and your mom mentioning the Winter's."

I nodded, "How can I forget? Every Christmas you two talked about how you all got together as kids and made Christmas the best that you all could."

He nodded as he lifted up, "Apparently, they had two children. Holly and Melissa."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Okay. What does this have to do with the TMZ thing?"

He chuckled, "Well, the youngest child had sent an email for her sister to be one of your candidates."

I rolled my eyes, "Great." He sat down as he looked up at me with his eyes tearing, "I didn't know they were murdered."

Shit, I knew they cared about the Winter's but like this.

My eyes went wide, "What?" My dad pulled out a book of photos as he pulled up a picture of the four of them. My parents and the Winter's.

"They owned a store in Gloucester by the water." He chuckled, "They took over when Gary's parents was too sick to operate it."

I sat down, "So, those Christmas decorations comes from their store?" He nodded, "We had an account and is automatic the decorations are sent to us from the house and businesses."

He took a deep breath, "We had to some budget cuts five years ago. We had to stop the account until we got back the money that we lost."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Why didn't you reopened it. I mean we are doing better than we have in years." He tilted his head, "Life got busy but now the girls are struggling."

He sat straight and typed on the computer as he swore under his breath, "According to the newspaper in their area, they are about to lose the store and their childhood home."

I shook my head at him, "Then why not give them a check and help them out." He shook his head then pointed to me, "You are going to Gloucester."

I busted out laughing, "You're nuts."

He can't be serious. I am not going to Gloucester to meet some girl because my father wants me to find love. Screw that.

I have a fuck date later on.

He smirked, "I may be but also I am looking at this as a sigh. Your mother and I lost contact with the Winter's since college, then we had to lose the contract and here we are."

He held up hand out to his computer, "You are in need of a wife and Holly is in of a Prince." I groaned, "Dad."

He is serious about this.

Ugh, He going to kill me before I turn thirty.

He point to me again, "Just go and see if there sparks or what nots." He smirked, "If you don't want to marry her by Christmas then I will drop it."

I could use a vacation.

Maybe find some mermaids by the sea.


I crack myself up.

I will go along with the crazy plans of his for now.


He giving me almost a two-month vacation.

I freaken take it.

I bowed my head, "Fine. I will go but this doesn't mean I am coming home with a wife and a new sister-in-law."

He chuckled as I lifted. Crazy old man. I thought he lost it last year when he did a talent show at the office but this. Now, He completely lost it.


I looked at him, "Do you at least have a picture of her?"

He smirked as he forward the email.

I quickly read the email when I started to walk out of my father's office as I wanted to cry. These girls already lost their parents now they are in jeopardy of losing their home and business.

I looked at the picture of Holly as I stopped in my tracked when my father lifted his eyebrow, "Everything okay, son?"

I pointed to my screen,

"This is Holly?"

He smirked as he sat back, "Beautiful, isn't she?"

Beautiful wasn't the word I would described her.

Amazing, most beautiful woman I have seen on this earth.

Damn it Dad.

Why does your friends have to have the most amazing looking daughter. My cock is pressing against my pants. My heart is doing flips.


Why is my heart doing flips?

She had golden hair that ran down her face showing her blue eyes. Her smile was full, and she looked so happy but so much pain in her eyes. Damn, these girls have had a tough time.

Her face was pure and pale. She had an angelic look to her. I hope that her personality is as beautiful as she is.


I am not falling for this.

My father had to pull this crap.

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