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Help Me Remember

Eliza escaped hell when she was hit by an elderly woman's car. She woke up in the hospital not remembering anything that had happened. The woman and her husband took her in to give her a family. She didn't realize how closer her family was when the woman and man's son came home from business in London with his best friend. Who is her family? Will she ever remember? What else will she finds as she tries to make sense of her past?

Chapter 1 Run, Eliza, Run

"Run, Eliza. Run." Mikey screamed saving me from my prison that I have been since I was young. I ran through the streets with my bare feet and wrapped in a bathrobe.

This is the first time I have felt free in my entire life. My brown hair sway in the wind as the sun warmed my pale skin which felt so good. It was cold since it look like it was fall. I ran into the middle of the street when I heard a screech then darkness.

"Oh my god, she came out of nowhere."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"She will stay with me."

"I will take care of her."

"Do you think Ethan will be home for the holidays, honey? Do you think he will like her?"

"When will she wake up?"

"Do you know who she is?"

"Eliza, wake up, dear."

My head hurts.

Why does my head hurt so much?

Oh, the light is making it worst. My eyes flicked open as I heard a woman's voice, "Honey, she is waking up. Eliza. Are you okay dear?" I looked up to see a woman I don't recognize. She is a tall woman with blonde hair, she looked like she could be in her sixties. Her blue eyes looked worry.

"Oh, my dear. It is okay. Do you remember what happened?" She asked me. I shook my head as I sat up holding my head then a strong hand pressed on my shoulder, "Don't move. I get the doctor." I looked over to my other side when a man that looked the same age as the woman standing there. His eyes was like honey in color and his hands were strong because he was built like a football player.

I laid my head back down as the woman grabbed my hand when the doctor came into the room, "Ms. Williams, how are you feeling?" I looked up at him as I teared up, "My head hurts."

He nodded, "We will get you something for that. Do you remember anything?" I shook my head as I try to think. I can't remember anything. It is all blank. Why is it all blank? Tears started to flow down my face as the woman squeezed my hand.

The doctor nodded, "It is okay Eliza. It will come back in time." I nodded as I took a deep breath, "What now?" The woman patted my hand, "You are going to stay with me and James, dear." I nodded as I looked up at, I think is James when he gave me a smirk, "Eliza, you are welcome to stay with me and Grace for as long as you like."

A month later, I settled into the Wrights every well. Grace has been so nice and protective with me. They explained that I ran into the road when she was coming down the road. She didn't mean to do it she explained while she was in tears. I made sure she didn't have feel sorry.

It sounded like I was running from something. The nightmares that I been having makes me convince that something bad happened to me before the accident. I have woken up with either Grace, James, or Mya (she is the housekeeper) by my side waking me up.

Grace has told me about her son that is in London on business. He was supposed to be back for Thanksgiving but wasn't going to make it due to an emergency in London. The guy works too much.

Grace has shown me pictures of him which he looks like a god. Dark hair, icy blue eyes, and tan skin. He looked like he was tall and toned. My heart skipped when I first saw his picture.

He promised his mother that he will be back for Christmas. For Grace, I hope he does. I can tell she really misses him. She just hasn't told him about me, yet. Grace told me that she wants surprise him when he arrives. Why didn't I get it?

Thanksgiving Day we sat at the table as a happy family. I felt a little sad because I couldn't remember if I had one. What if someone is looking for me? I teared up as Grace gave me an apologize look, "Oh, Eliza."

I shook my head as my tears came down my face, "Grace, I am fine. I just wondering if anyone is looking for me." James's hand went to mine, "We will talk to the detective and see if they can do a search." I nodded as I gave a small smile, "Thank you James." He gave me a smirk as Grace cleared her throat, "Maybe that man that gave us your name, can help us."

I tilted my head to her, "What man?" She sighed as poked her food, "I don't know who he was, but he showed up at the hospital and told me your name was Eliza Williams and thanked us for wanting to take you in."

My eyes widened, "Maybe he knows who I. am" James sat back as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "If we can find him. He didn't give us a name or anything. He just asked to keep you safe."

I nodded when we heard the front door open then a strong voice, "Is anyone, home?" Grace's eyes widened as she jumped up from the table and ran to the door, "Ethan."

James smirked at me as I looked at him nervously. James held my hand on the table, "He is a good boy, Eliza." I nodded as I took a deep breath.

I looked over my shoulders when a god walked into the room along with another man that looked familiar.

The man gasped, "Isabella?"

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