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My Senorita: A Cartel Love Story

My Senorita: A Cartel Love Story

Rosemarie J. Alvarez


Lillian Kington was kidnapped by Miguel Santos a Cartel leader from Mexico. Lillian was a eighteen years old no filter girl that was caught up with her father's sins. Lillian's father stole from the cartel family and he wants his money back. When he could come with Miguel's money, Miguel took Lillian as his prisoner only to fall in love with her. He became her protector of her father's past and what he has done. Secrets of her past came to light and who she looked like to Miguel Santos.

Chapter 1 Break In

Bang! Bang!

I woke up sometime in the middle of a night when I heard it again.


I jumped out of bed then ran to my bedroom door when I slowly opened it.

I am the only home; my parents went out for their date night.

I slowly stepped out of the room then quietly stepped towards the voices.

I heard a voice with a deep Spanish accent, "They are not here, boss."

I placed my body against the wall when another low deep voice with Spanish accent roam through the house, "Did you check upstairs? I want my money, or I want his head."

I breathed heavily when I heard their footsteps running up the stairs.

Shit, shit, shit.

I looked around to find something to use as a weapon but there was nothing when I decided to ran back to my room when they got close to me; I accidently slammed the door.

One of the men yelled, "Someone is up here?" I looked around my room really quick and decided under the bed.

Don't know why?

I fucking eighteen with Spanish accent men that I don't know in my home.

Your brain stops working when you realize there are strangers in your home. They want their money or my parent's heads.

I ran to towards the bed then slid under as I pushed the blanket in front of me so they couldn't see me.

The knob juggled as I locked it when I shut the door after I was stupid and slammed it.

I heard them bang their shoulders against the door when I heard whom am, I guessing the man in charge, "I want in that room."

One... Two... Three.... They are in.


My hands were trembling as I tried to slow my breathing as one of them say, "Where are they?"

I heard strong powerful footsteps hit the wood of my floor, "Looks like they have a daughter, how sweet."

I heard the closet door opened as he mocked me, "Come out, Senorita."

My head followed his footsteps when he stopped and stood behind the bed then sat down when he said in a low sweet voice, "Senorita, I know you are here. Come out."

I shook my head in silence as I held my hands to my mouth.

He chuckled as I squeezed my eyes as he was behind me, "Senorita, we will leave here but we will be waiting for you downstairs."

The man sighed as he lifted off the bed. He walked towards the door then I laid with my head on the blanket as I sighed. I tried to count the different type of steps to make sure they all left. That was close.

After about a second that I think they have left I felt hands on my ankles then pulled out from underneath.

Missed one set of footsteps. Have you seen the movie Taken?

Yes, that one.

The one where the daughter hidden under the bed then was pulled by her feet then kidnapped.

The only difference is we are not in France and I don't have a cool ass dad like hers. Fuck, I didn't even have my phone on me to call my dad. My dad is great but come on my dad is no Liam Neeson telling me I am about to be Taken then he tells the kidnappers that he has special skills to find me then destroy them.

Man, that was a hot scene.

The man pulled me up by my waist as I kicked and screamed. I flopped my body around trying to get away from him. He had my arms pinned in his arms, "Knock it off." I shook my head, "Put me down."

He growled in my ear, "No." I kicked harder as he walked me out of the room when I missed him.

Why do I have to be so fucking short? I could get his feet or use the floor from him going any further.

There was advantage of being short is my foot doesn't have to go far to make connect with his balls.

I kicked back when I got him.

He let go of me as he bent down, "Fuck. Bitch."

Sucker. I went to run when I heard him roar, "Don't let her get away."

I ran down the stairs when this big motherfucker stood in my way.

I kicked him right in the balls then pushed past him as he growled, "Watch her


I was almost to the door when I was tackled down as I gasped for air, "Fuck."

He pulled me to a chair when my arms went behind my back as I heard a chuckled, "Get the rope." One of the men grabbed rope and placed it around my wrist.


Motherfucker, his balls are next.

The man in charge, Dr. Evil, Mr. Devil himself bent down so his eyes was level with mine, "Senorita, did you really think you could get away from me?"

I lowered my head as he placed his fingers on my chin as he lifted it up, "Do you know who I am?"

I titled my head as he has brown eyes with speck of golden them. His hair was slicked back and dark with curls at the end.

Who knew?

His eyes was pretty for a fucking monster.

He been in the sun because he had a golden tan over his skin. I noticed a tattoo sticking out of his shirt that the first three buttons are left unbutton. Fuck he got some serious muscles, too.

He rolled up his sleeve as he waited for my answer when I noticed another tattoo. This one I could make out 'Senorita' in fancy letters. He been calling me Senorita since he found out that I was in my room and that I was a girl.

"No, I don't." I hissed as I heard my parents coming into the door.

I screamed, "Mom, Dad. Run." I heard my father yelled, "What the fuck?"

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