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His Knight in High Heels

His Knight in High Heels



"You're mad? Then take your ass in the other room and calm the fuck down. Because there's never going to be any divorce in this fucking marriage."

Chapter 1 chapter:1

Keerti's POV:-

The only worry of my mother ever since I've turned twenty five is my marriage. She thinks that I'm missing out all the fun of my life by letting all the eligible bachelors pass away. She just doesn't understand that I have my ambitions to follow and a life I would love to live before settling down in the bond of marriage.

"Do you have anyone in mind for whom you're refusing all the marriage proposals? You can tell me you know. I won't judge..." See this is what I'm talking about. She just doesn't get the picture that I want to grow in my career and not put a full stop to my ambitions by getting married.

"No mom. I'm not seeing anyone and I'm not interested yet, "I plead trying to get her off my back.

"Anu, I'm hungry." Dad says and mom soon runs to kitchen to prepare food. This was my dad's and my tactic to distract mom from giving us lecture and it has always worked.

"Thanks Dad, " I say before concentrating on the project I'm working on.

"Do you have five minutes Bujji?" Dad asks and I look at him confused. Dad wanting to speak to me is rare but very important and unlike mom dad approaches a topic logically instead emotionally making me ponder over both the pros and cons of a topic before asking my decision unlike mom who asks my decision at the spot...

"Yes, Dad." I ask picking up few files from beside making some space for him to sit while he helps me keep the files on the coffee table next to him and sits down beside me comfortably.

"You know we were only twenty seven when we had you, "he starts and I groan out loud.

"Not you too Dad. I've just started my career and I want to fulfill my dreams. I..."

"Who's stopping you Bujji? Do you trust us?" Dad asks and I nod my head without second thought while he smiles lightly.

"Then believe me, he's the best match for you. We like him a lot but the final choice will be yours, " Dad says lifting both his hands up in surrender while I sigh.

"Dad, I've lot to do before getting married. I've to..."

"Enough Keerti. You know what's the problem with your generation? You people get so busy in chasing after your career and money all your life that you forget that money is for leading a luxurious life but not life itself and by the time you set your priorities right, you'll be regretting." He says with disappointment dripping in his voice and I feel guilty for no fault of mine...

"What do you want me to do Dad?"I ask getting straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"I want you to be happy Bujji. I just want you to meet Vinay once and then decide for yourself."

"Only one proposal for this whole year, " I bargain and he sighs.

"Only if you promise to meet him with no bias and judgement. Vinay is my friend Shekhar's son and he's the next hire to his father's business empire..."

"Dad, I don't care about money. All I want is a person who's just like you and mom who understands me and who wouldn't cut my wings for anything in the world." I say my opinion and dad smiles nodding at me.

"And here I thought you were hungry, " mom accuses dad while he smiles and walks towards her with a secret smile on his face making me turn my head. I wouldn't want to scar my eyes looking at their romance now. Would I??

I just hope Vinay is how dad describes him to be. There is nothing wrong in doing something for parent's happiness. Is it?

Blocking all other talks, I start reading files and preparing an apt presentation for my tomorrow's meeting.


Vinay's POV:-

"You called for me?" I ask entering my father's study also known as The Monster's Cave to see him talking on phone.

He nods and gestures me to sit down while he finishes the call. I sit down in front of him and start drumming my fingers on table making my father irritated with the sound.

"I'll call you back, "he says ending the call and looks at me annoyingly.

"That was an important call, "he snaps.

"I had an important work too when you summoned me, " I snap and he sighs before opening a file and pushes it towards me to see the contents.

There were pictures of a beautiful girl smiling from different angles and in various poses.

"She's Keerti, Chandra's daughter. I want you to meet her and impress her for your marriage." He orders making me want to break his head and see which part of his brain is not proper that he doesn't understand a simple sentence that I don't want to marry.

"I don't want to meet her." I yell at my dad to make my point clear.

"Neither of us are getting any younger and I want you to learn taking up your responsibility serious by marrying her."

"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask him while he sighs and walks off the room without answering my question but warning me of the consequences if I don't meet Keerti. I don't know why I still bother talking or listening to him when I know that my opinion doesn't matters.

He knows that marriage is a very big responsibility and without earning, I can't take care of my family and so he's pestering me to marry so that I'll accept his offer to step into the CEO position while he can retire and travel around the world with Mom. But, what he doesn't know is that my hate for working in his office is bigger than marrying a random stranger.

If meeting her will pull me off the hook then I can always give a try to it. If I cannot reject her than may be I'll make her reject me. Anyways which girl would want to marry a guy who doesn't want to work and earn for his family??

Get ready Keerti Reddy, I'll make you say NO to this proposal by yourself so that I can enjoy my bachelorhood on my terms and conditions...

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