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chichi meliss

chichi meliss's Books(3)



*"PROLOGUE"* Rose is a 20 year old adult. She has been fatherless since childhood. She is very brilliant at school and now lives with her mother who fights day and night so that she and her daughter are far from poverty. However, Rose would have made promises to her mother which will allow her to achieve her goals and not lead a bad life. But her promises seem to have lost their balance since Rose let Mark take her virginity for love. Mark is Rose's boyfriend. She has been dating him for more than 2 years without her mother (Rose's mother) knowing about it, which may complicate things in the future for Rose. In addition, Mark has a travel plan which he did not share with Rose. No one knows Mark's intentions and part of his presence in this story still remains mysterious. Rose didn't know just Mark. There is a certain Brek towards whom she has strong feelings but her best friend Liane seems to disagree with her because she wants two people at the same time and wants to help her at all costs to break away from her. Break. In her quest for "Help", Liane made the mistake of going to visit Brek without Rose knowing about it. So she convinced Brek to do what Rose struggles to do. The latter accepted and some time later, Rose discovered the truth in Brek's mouth and decided to go and vent her anger on her. (That's where we were but we don't know exactly what she intends to go and do it to him) It should also be noted that the presence of Brek remains also mysterious in this story and no one knows much about him maybe only if but until now, the story has not yet revealed anything concrete about him apart from his seduction abilities that put Rose "out of the zone" The story has many things in store for us to discover and its title always has a step in the shadows which arouses a lot of curiosity.