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Namsoon's Books(4)

The Magical Bra

The Magical Bra

When you're ugly, it's hard to find a job. They say they need someone with a pleasing personality. Excuse me? Does my personality look displeasing? Do I look like a kidnapper or a drug dealer? Am I an abortionist? I'm not in a pageant, so don't judge me! If your body doesn't have curves and your chest is flat, you won't make it in the modeling industry. Excuse me! I'm not modeling vital statistics and cleavage, am I? Even in a fast-food chain, they won't accept you if you're ugly. They say customers will lose their appetite looking at your face. I'd even be a mascot, but these idiots are so picky. They say I look more like a mascot than the costume I'd be wearing. You fools! I hope your establishments burn down! If I get rich, I'll shut you down! If you're not born with beauty, you have no chance of meeting, knowing, being friends, textmates, flirting, and becoming the boyfriend of the number 1 hottest actor in the Philippines and my schoolmate at the same time. When I approach him, his bodyguard will block me and say, 'Miss, begging is not allowed.' So, I'm not pretty, not rich, and, uh, not well-endowed, but I never beg, okay! Over my dead, no curves and no boobs body. What am I saying? My only concern now is how to find a job as my savings are running out, and I need to pay half of my tuition fees. But no matter where I apply, no one accepts me. They say I'm ugly. I'm not ugly! My face is just not in style. It's like an abstract painting—chaotic but with hidden beauty. I just don't know where it's hidden. But because I'm a very kind person, I met a old woman who became the reason for a change in my life. "I have something for you, dear." "What is it, grandma?" I cringed when I saw her lift her blouse and take off her bra. I envy her. Even at her age, she still flaunts it. "Here." "What will I do with that, grandma? I have plenty of bras at home." "Just wear it!" "No, It's gross. It might have germs or Ebola! And that bra is huge. Are you joking, grandma? You see I've been deprived." "This bra is magical!" "Oh, really?" And it was true! Grandma's bra was indeed magical. It became the reason for me to get a good job and earn a lot of money. As a bonus, I got to meet, be close to, and flirt with the number 1 hottest actor in the Philippines! This story is about me, about her, and grandma's magical bra. Grandma's bra isn't gross, okay? It's just truly magical!