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Lu Yao

Lu Yao's Books(17)

Sad Dawn

Sad Dawn

The love of two human beings does not trust love. The sunshine, the moment of intersection between day and night, between light and darkness. With the story of Han Liang and Zhou Dongda, perhaps it is also the line between falsehood and truth, between loneliness and happiness. Falsehood, it seems, is human instinct before modern society. An exemplary Han Liang teacher always has a smiling face, talks happily and friendly with everyone, from the school security guard to the apartment complex guard. A Zhou Tong with a calm appearance, knowing how to treat people, at a young age had his own career. What do these two seemingly elite people in society think about their lives? To be alone in a large house at nights at work, to be mentally and physically tortured, to party. Depressed? Hate? Of course there is, but it's not enough to find a way out on your own. Honestly, that's what can be used to describe a quality reunion... novels by Han Liang and Zhou Dongda. Too coincidental, coincidental when two people are in the same apartment, the same location (only different upstairs downstairs), the same place where the keys are. But that "dramatic" serendipity caused the two to meet in the most "real" state, which Zhou Dongyu said was "naked" and "angular." There is no need for time to learn, no need for good disguises, the whole dark side of people is displayed in front of the other party, Han Liang's prickly coldness, Zhou Dongyu's childish narcissism. It is possible to love each other without loving each other's flaws, but it is definitely necessary to understand it all. Loneliness, or rather, mental loneliness, is the common feeling about the two main characters. They may laugh, they may be positive, but deep down they are lonely. Han Liang was lonely, no one would object. Losing her father, losing Du Yue, losing her mother, she only had to cover herself with a rigid, resilient shell. The girlish girl is now mechanically dry, isolated from the world. She didn't need the youthful pleasures of traveling around the city with Du Yue, she wanted a love that could come to marriage. And Zhou Dong? Who said he wasn't alone? How many wine parties can't remove the outer mask of distancing? Even a girl he intended to know couldn't make him open up. It wasn't until he met Han Liang, until he fell in love with her, that he was truly himself, naïve, impulsive, warm, but above all sincere. Happiness, the destination of the story. Not a complete ending, but one that is enough for people to say 'they're happy'. Little by little, from the beginning to the end of the story, we can feel that happiness is coming. The truth was revealed, Han Liang's life was not as gloomy as it seemed, Zhou Dongyue was not as resilient to love as he thought. Love is a jigsaw puzzle where both people have to change themselves to fit each other, to be together. Therefore, even if the ending was not a dream wedding, both Han Liang and Zhou Dongyue had finished putting together a happy picture of their lives.