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Jeffrey danduan

Jeffrey danduan's Books(3)

The Man You Love Has Someone Else

The Man You Love Has Someone Else

"Dad?" I nodded, each step growing larger as I moved closer to Markin. He was leaning on the hood of his car. I recognized him immediately; he still had a folder in one hand and another tucked into his pants pocket. "Ho...dadadada..." I could feel my baby's excitement as he saw his daddy. But before we could get close, a beautiful woman quickly approached him. The smile on my lips vanished when I saw her hug him, and he laughed and hugged her back tightly. I hurriedly hid behind a pole, fearing they might see us, even though there was no real need to hide anymore. "Congratulations, Mark! You got the Elvo Street project right away!" I heard the woman exclaim, and I froze. I hugged my son tighter when I heard the name of that street. That's the street where my studio is located. So... Rexus is still right? They still want that street and the location of my studio? Is it possible they still intend to take that spot for their project? I'm starting to worry it's true. Why? Why is Markin doing this to me? I thought he had no plans. I thought... "I'm setting up a new firm. Grandpa's company is still in the original plan," he replied happily. Does he know about the recent fire? Maybe he knows something because he mentioned getting the project he had previously given up because of us. But now... I don't know what to believe. Could Engineer Markus have mentioned what happened to us? It doesn't seem like it... Markin is back, but he didn't come to see us. Wasn't he concerned about our situation? "Hala, I'm rooting for your success now, Engineer Markin!" I don't know the girl, so I can't say if she's a friend or... his fiancée? I glanced at the ring he gave me. The pain in my chest was overwhelming. "Mommy?" "M-Mommy is fine, love..." I said, though I was deeply hurt by what I saw. "Dad?" I exhaled, feeling the corners of my eyes grow warm. Is Markin ignoring us now? I thought he loved us? That we were important to him? That no matter what happened, he would choose us. But what about Elvo Street? Why does he still want it? Now that my studio is gone... "Thanks, May Ann. I waited a long time for this and made many sacrifices to get this project and position," Markin continued, and my son struggled to peek because he could hear his daddy's voice. It wasn't far from us. "I knew you could do it, Mark. I guess I'm your inspiration," the woman said, and I bit my bottom lip. He's inspired by... another woman? Markin's laughter was the only thing I could hear. How? How can you be so happy, Markin? Why are you happy? Do you really know what happened to us? Do you know that we almost lost your son? Did you? Because if you do, it's awful that you haven't even said hello... "Come on, May Ann. I'll treat you to coffee. You're the one who gives me motivation," he continued, and tears began to fall down my cheeks. This is how it feels to be hurt. The man you love has another woman? And he's happy with someone else... He doesn't even know about us because he's busy with someone else? "Sure? You're really treating, Mark? Aren't you busy? You just came back from Cebu!" "Yes. I'll give you my time first. My work can wait. Later," he replied, making me sob. He has no plans to visit Markiana and me anymore. After treating this woman, will he just go back to work? Even though it hurt to see him with another woman, I chose to watch them. My breathing became heavy. He carefully helped the woman into his car and even shielded her head so she wouldn't bump it. "Daddy!" I covered my son's mouth when he suddenly shouted. I hid even more because it seemed like he heard us. He struggled, and I winced as one of his hands hit my chest. I peeked at Markin again as he spun in the driver's seat and then got in. I was stunned as I saw his car drive away. My chest tightened, and only then did I remove my hand from Markiana's mouth. "Dadadada..." she cried, still watching him go. This is it... This is where everything ends for us. There's no point in listening to Markin's explanation because it's over... Everything is over for us... It will end even if we do nothing. "I'm so sorry, love... You won't see your daddy again... From now on, it will just be Mommy and you..." I'm Rea Enero Suwaib.
Become Your Bestfriend's Wife

Become Your Bestfriend's Wife

"What if I fall in love with you?" Justine Rose Keenstone Flashback "Whooo! Let's get wasted tonight!" I shouted, turning up the music even louder as my body swayed to the beat. I'm at a club right now, and I'm currently DJ-ing because I took over for a while. This is the life I want—no hassles, no problems, and the freedom to do what I want. "Make some noise!" The crowd went wild, and I took a sip of the drink in my glass. "There he is!" I stopped what I was doing when I saw two bouncers pushing their way through the crowd, heading straight for me. They were looking for me because I had snuck in earlier. I'm still a minor and banned from places like this, but I managed to get in by tagging along with some older folks. I got in easily, but they were sharp and kept looking for me. I jumped off the stage to escape and pushed through the crowd, eventually ending up in a VIP room. Without hesitation, I opened the door and saw two people in a compromising position. They both froze, and the man turned to look at me. Fortunately, they were still kissing when I walked in, and he wasn't completely undressed. I don't know what I would have done if they were both naked. "What are you doing here, young lady?" Oh my, what a blessing in disguise. This guy is quite the looker. "Look, I'm just hiding here because someone is chasing me, but I swear I won't bother you if you want to continue what you were doing. Just let me stay here for a bit," I said. The man frowned, and the woman shot him a glare. Well, I don't care! I know she's just one of those women who come here to entertain men. It's obvious she doesn't like me because she's trying to hook up. "You're not supposed to be here," he said. I just shrugged and sat on the sofa. "Relax, Mr. Whoever You Are. I'm just going to sit here for a while," I replied nonchalantly. "Get out," he said coldly, so I raised an eyebrow at him. "Stop being selfish, Mister! I won't do anything if—" I couldn't finish because he interrupted me. "Not you. I'm referring to this lady beside me." I grinned and looked at the girl he had been kissing earlier. "You heard him, miss. He said get out." She looked at me, then turned to him, slowly running her fingers over his muscular chest, trying to seduce him. I swallowed a few times and looked away. Sure, I enjoy spending time in different clubs, but I'm still innocent when it comes to this sort of thing. "Hmm, don't you want to have fun tonight, Kai—" The woman didn't finish her sentence because the man struck her on the head. "D-did you just shoot her?" "Yes! Now, if you want to live longer, then get the hell out of here." He seemed sorry, but he couldn't scare me that easily. "Why would I? I'm not doing anything to you, Mister! So stop threatening me," I said with disgust, looking at the woman's body. "Ha! Feisty. Fine, do whatever you want here. Just don't bother me." I smiled sweetly and nodded at him. And that's how our so-called "friendship" began—when a mafia boss became my best friend because of those bouncers.
Every Wild Needs Innocent

Every Wild Needs Innocent

Noise and smoke greeted me when the bus door opened. That's it, I'm really here in Manila. I stepped off the bus. The heat of the sun immediately hit my fair skin. For sure, when I seek refuge in the wilderness, I will blush. Before crossing to the other side, I made sure no cars were passing by until I finally made it across. I was right. My skin immediately turned red because of the intense sunlight. "Sister, where is the jeep?" I asked the woman selling coolers. She turned her eyes to me when I spoke to her. "You see that mall?" she pointed. I followed her gaze. I nodded slowly. "Yes," I said politely. "Behind that mall, there are jeep parking lots." "Ahh, is that it? Thank you." I bought a cooler from her first, then set off. I was drinking the cooler I bought earlier while walking to the jeep parking lot. I just realized how big Manila is. If you're from the provinces, you'll have a hard time finding parking in Manila. I reached the jeep parking lot. I stood aside first and did not get in. I took my wallet out of my pocket to check if I still had enough fare for the boarding house. I only had five hundred pesos left in my wallet. It was only one hundred when I took it out. A strong wind blew. “Come on!” Unfortunately, a strong wind blew my money away. In a panic, I quickly tried to pick it up. "My bad luck!" I said to myself. I managed to pick up four hundred pesos, but one was missing. I looked for the missing bill. I noticed that the wind kept blowing it towards the middle of the road. Desperate to retrieve the flying money, I suddenly crossed the road without noticing the many passing cars. "What! Are you trying to kill yourself?!” The jeep driver yelled at me because he almost hit me. "I'm sorry..." I apologized. He shook his head before driving off. I turned my eyes back to the bill. I was very grateful it was now on the ground. I immediately stepped on it. But unexpectedly, a car suddenly appeared. Using my hands, I tried to shield myself, closed my eyes, and waited for the impact. Beep!! I thought my life was over. I slowly opened my eyes and immediately noticed the bulky figure in front of me. "Are you okay?" It was a man's baritone voice. When I opened my eyes completely, my mouth fell open. A well-built man stood before me. I couldn't help but be amazed at what I saw. He looked like a sculpture, very neat and perfectly carved. For some unknown reason, my heart started pounding. "Hey, are you okay?" I snapped out of my trance when he spoke again, still blinking. "A-Ah, y-yes. I-I'm fine…” I stammered. Electricity ran through my whole body when he held my hand to help me stand up. "Do you feel any pain in your body?" he asked again. I shook my head. "No. I'm really fine," I assured him so he wouldn't worry. "Bro, let's go!" I looked at the car of the man who almost hit me. I noticed another man in the car, wearing shades and looking obviously irritated. I turned my gaze back to the man in front of me. "This is my friend's calling card." He handed it to me. I accepted it immediately. "Just call him if you feel any pain in your body." I nodded slowly. “Thank you.” "I gotta go!" he said goodbye. I bowed slightly and smiled as a farewell. I moved aside because I noticed I was still blocking the road. I watched them until they disappeared from sight. Later, I looked at the calling card he gave me and read the name written on it. "Knoxx Cassius Wolverson."