Donzeko925's Books(2)
How to turn yourself into a live breathing money machine
Others How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine
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It All Starts With You and Your Belief System
There are 2 ways people think when it comes to money.
Some people think money is scarce, they think it is only for some special
people and some other people think there is plenty of it to go around if you
know how to reach out and grab your share.
The unfortunate news is that the majority of people think that money is
something that is scarce and that it is greed for them to even think of having
plenty of it.
On the other hand, a few set of people are the ones who don‟t just think that
money is plenty. They also believe that they have the ability to attract as
many as possible of it for themselves
Which of these 2 groups do you want to belong to?
Your answer is what is going to make the remaining contents of this report
Money is one subject that has a sense of irony attached to it.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine
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People spend all their entire lives working to get money. Yet, they behave as
if getting money is something that is either evil or is of little importance.
Have you heard the saying before that “money is the root of all evil?”
It is a saying that was developed and spread by people with a poverty
mindset. Meanwhile, the real saying which comes from the bible is that “the
love of money is the root of all evil”
This means when you love money so much that you want to acquire it by
any means possible, it drives you to pursue all sorts of evil means to get it.
But there is also another side of the coin that is often not talked about and
that is “the lack of money as well is the root of all sorts of evils”
Think about it.
A lot of people take to robbery, kidnapping, killing just because they lack
money and the only way they think they can get it is by force even when it
means attacking other people.
Money Is Not Evil
One of the beliefs you need to have about money is that it is not evil. Money
can‟t do anything all by itself. It is the handler of the money who determines
what it is been used for.
For instance, one person might use his money to build hospitals and schools
to help other people live better lives.
Another person will use the same money to assassinate and harm other
It is said that money brings out the deep heart desires of a person. In short,
if you happen to be an evil person deep inside, you are likely to become
more evil when you lay your hands on a plenty of money.
At the same time, if you are a good person, you will definitely do more good
in life based on your heart desires.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine
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When you understand that money is not evil, you will feel confident in
learning about how to attract more money into your life.
Some several years ago, I attended a one-week boot camp and one of the
highlights of the boot camp had to do with financial freedom.
This single part of the boot camp is one of the powerful events that changed
my life.
The speaker who delivered the training for the financial freedom aspect of
the boot camp happened to be a Polytechnic graduate who now employs a
lot of polytechnic and university graduates.
It was because he decided to figure out how to solve this mystery called
When the subject of money is raised, people suddenly freeze up and behave
as if you just raised a topic that has to do with killing babies.
One of the books he recommended to us during his speech was Napoleon
Hill‟s first bestseller, Think and Grow Rich
I quickly started searching all nearby bookshops to get a copy of this book
after the programme. I eventually got one after about 3 months.
I have now read Think and Grow Rich about 40 times but the first time I
read it, I couldn‟t understand a word of it.
Meanwhile, some of my friends and course mates started to “warn” me that
I was thinking too much about getting rich.
But really, is it a bad thing to think about getting rich and is not thinking
about getting rich the good choice?
Make no mistake about this – Thoughts are things. Your consistent
thoughts eventually have a way of manifesting in your life.
I could go on and on about this but the main lessons I need you to dwell on
from this section are:
1. There are two types of mindsets about money and whichever one you
choose eventually affects the flow of money to you. It is either youHow to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine
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have a poverty mindset or you have a prosperity mindset.
2. People with prosperity mindset believe that there is a lot of money out
there and they also believe that it is theirs. They treat money decently
and appreciate other people.
3. How the rich think
Adventure Contents
1 Middle class focuses on saving…
World class focuses on earning............................................................. 17
2 Middle class thinks about money in linear terms…
World class thinks about money in non-linear terms....................... 18
3 Middle class believes hard work creates wealth…
World class believes leverage creates wealth ...................................... 20
4 Middle class believes money is the root of all evil…
World class believes poverty is the root of all evil............................ 22
Middle class focuses on saving…
World class focuses on earning
Driven by the fear of loss and uncertainty of the future, the
masses focus on how to protect and hoard their money. While
world-class thinkers understand the importance of saving and invest-
ing, they direct their mental energy toward accumulating wealth
through serving people and solving problems. When an economic
correction occurs, the fear-based saver suffers catastrophic losses that
may take years to recover. While world-class thinkers suffer similar
losses, they quickly turn their attention to financial opportunities that
present themselves in a society of suddenly terrified people. While the
masses are selling for short-term survival, the great ones are buying
for long-term success. One group is operating from fear, the other,
from abundance. The self-made rich aren’t afraid to take calculated
risks, because they know if they lose they can make it all back. While
the middle class is always looking for the home run investment that
will make them wealthy, the world class invests wisely, knowing the
bulk of their fortune will come from the service they provide. Most
people are more concerned with the modest gains they accumulate
from their savings and investments than they are with using their
billion dollar minds to create a fortune. The masses are so focused
on clipping coupons and living frugally they miss major opportuni-
ties. Even in the midst of a cash flow crisis, the rich reject the nickel
and dime thinking of the masses. They are masters at focusing their
mental energy where it belongs: on the big money. How about you?
Are you more focused on saving pennies or building an empire? Your
current financial status will give you an idea of your past thinking. If
you’re rich, keep thinking the way you’re thinking. If not, maybe it’s
time for a change.
“Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it.”
— Russell Conwell
Rich Resource:
The Rich: A New Study of the Species by William Davis
Critical Thinking Question:
Based on your past behaviors and results, are you thinking big
or small?
ᏸ Action Step:
Make a decision today to think bigger and maximize your
money potential.
Middle class thinks about money in
linear terms… World class thinks
about money in non-linear terms
The masses trade time for money. This creates the belief that
making money is a linear process directly connected to time. The
average person believes the only way to earn more money is to work
more hours, with the exception of raises and bonuses. The wealthy
know big money requires thinking about it in non-linear terms. Thegreat ones are masters at generating money through ideas that solve
problems. They realize since there is no limit to ideas, there is no limit
to how much money they can earn. So while the middle class is scram-
bling to survive and frightened for their financial future, the world class
is capitalizing on their elevated level of awareness. The masses waste a
substantial percentage of their mental energy worrying about money,
while the champions are fearlessly directing their focus to becoming
wealthier every day. Fortunes can be created almost overnight with the
right idea at the right time, but only if the performer understands this
non-linear phenomena. Since most people think of making money
in a linear fashion, they never invest the necessary effort to create
high impact solutions. The truth is, people who educate themselves in
this philosophy have the potential to become as wealthy as they wish.
And while this has been proven again and again, the average person’s
refusal to believe this holds them back from ever getting started. This
is another reason on the long list of why the rich get richer, and the
poor, poorer.
“The entire essence of America is the hope to first
make money—then to make money with money—
then make lots of money with lots of money.”
— Paul Erdman
Rich Resource
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
Critical Thinking Question:
When you’re problem solving, do you spend more time looking
for the obvious answer or the non-obvious answer? Linear think-
ing is the obvious and non-linear You might like
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In his early twenties, during a lavish family gala, Michael made a decision that would change everything. After witnessing a struggling artist's heartfelt performance, he was moved to invest his savings into her dream-a gallery showcasing the works of underrepresented artists. He believed in the transformative power of art and thought his family could support this vision. However, when he shared his idea, the reaction was swift and brutal.
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When he went ahead with the investment, his family disowned him. Cut off from their wealth, he faced life on his own, but he was undeterred. He rented a small space for the gallery, poured his heart into the project, and slowly built a community of passionate artists. Despite the odds, the gallery began to flourish, attracting attention for its unique vision and authenticity.
Years passed, and while Michael worked tirelessly, his former family thrived in their world of business, oblivious to the seeds he had planted. Then, everything changed. One of the artists Michael had supported, a brilliant painter named Elena, created a series that captured the public's imagination. Her work became a sensation, selling for millions at auction.
As the gallery's reputation soared, so did Michael's. He began receiving offers from prestigious art institutions and collectors eager to collaborate. Ironically, news of his success reached his family. His father, now facing a financial downturn, watched in disbelief as Michael's venture became a beacon of innovation and cultural significance.
At a pivotal moment, Michael was invited to a high-profile charity gala hosted by his family. Torn between pride and the pain of betrayal, he decided to attend. There, he was approached by his father, whose expression was a mixture of awe and regret. "I didn't understand, Michael," he admitted, his voice trembling. "You've built something remarkable."
In that moment, Michael saw not just a man humbled by pride, but a chance for reconciliation. "I followed my heart," he replied, "and it led me to a truth you never saw."
The evening unfolded with unexpected warmth as Michael reconnected with his siblings, sharing stories of his journey. They had witnessed the art world's transformative power through their own eyes, and slowly, the barriers began to dissolve.
Michael's gallery continued to thrive, now attracting collaborations from prestigious artists and institutions worldwide. But more importantly, it became a space of healing for him and his family. Through art, they found common ground, rebuilding their relationship piece by piece.
Years later, standing in the gallery surrounded by vibrant works and familiar faces, Michael realized that his foolishness had not only been a catalyst for his own success but also a bridge to reconnect with his family. In choosing authenticity over wealth, he discovered a fortune far greater than money-a legacy of love and understanding forged in the crucible of betrayal.
The Inside Noise
A.O Michael The Noise Inside is like a rushing stream.
"Only God can withstand the echo of the noises that stream through men's hearts. How dare you call somebody a mad person? You do not acknowledge the fact that your heart keeps silent only when you are dead. A mad person is unkempt and talking alone outside, but you reason with your heart. The noise is made from the outside and inside. Are they not the same?" Extracts from the novel.
This novel is about how the heart of a man affects those around him and God. Some people do not like a noisy environment, depicting a special nature or sense of disturbances causing mental commotion and sometimes disorderliness. This novel shows how God endures the great noise and disturbances emanating from the human environment. It reveals various noises in the human environment, such as cars, electronics, sudden shouts, music, and others. The Inside Noise features many areas about the impact of noise, and how a man can help himself to train his heart to make an acceptable and loving noise by thinking about what is good at all times.
This novel will demonstrate the countless on each day that a heart pounders with much groaning which could be heard alone to God. Every man on the earth experiences this huge streaming in the heart. Well, no man common man sees the heart, but it will eventually become a mighty noise and a great disturbance to the people in that environment.
From the abundance in the heart of a man the mouth speaks. A good noise is determined by the positive effects it has on the entity around him, and so considered by God. The most hilarious echo is the one that pounder evil, killing, envy, murder, and fornication. It is regarded as evil, and can not please the Highest God.
Another beautiful part of this novel is how the readers can be exposed to different ways to learn alternative techniques about noise, using different objects to reflect the author's points of view about noise.
A good man lives in the world with the hope to receive the reward of his goodness in the afterlife. The king talked about in this piece, rewards for the people that live in his village with light and those who refuse to abide in obedience living by him staying in the darkness. He later pronounced judgment, which is the expectation of the righteous. The work teaches the understanding of good, bad, and purity.