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Ava Jean

Ava Jean's Books(4)

Hunter's Rose

Hunter's Rose

“Kneel,” I growled, pushing her down. She did as she was ordered without hesitation. I purred, praising her submissiveness, and trailed a thumb along her lips. I closed my eyes and saw my Rose kneeling in front of me, her jet-black eyes piercing me like thorns and her fragrance, flavoring my darkened soul. …. A princess in darkness could only wish for her knight in shining armor to the rescue. Driven by passionate desires and lost in a sinful one until there's a displacement of purpose, want, and vision. An angel on the street but a demon on the bed. Like an itch, she soothes and pricks. Saddled by the responsibility of her actions from three years ago, she thought it was over but unknown to her it had only begun. An object of imaginative reality could only be allowed a chance to breathe. Enraged by the occurrence of three years ago, wealth and power became his monumental compensation. Although he looked like a God, he won't hesitate to send you straight to hell. His bloodline has left him merciless against his prey and his rise to the top of the consortium was a ride to hell and beyond. The scars on him were the testament of his brooding and the tattoos on him were writings of the stories and secrets he had. One thing for each. In Babel, mercy means weakness, and love was often lust Sharpened by the edges of the sword and brooded in the darkest of tunnels and formed into a beast. Trained to destroy, kill and overcome until he meets again after three years, the person he least expects and loses the one he never knew he had. A new rage is born!