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Promised to a Vampire

Promised to a Vampire

Escarlett Brian


Lara has lived in an orphanage since forever. She never knew who her family was. She had already given up on being adopted. She was about to turn eighteen and would soon have to leave the place she had always called home. She could not imagine that her destiny was already written, and she was the promised one of the Prince of Darkness.

Capítulo 1 EPISODE 1

Hello, my name is Lara. And according to what I have been told, I was left as a baby in this orphanage. I never knew who my parents were and why they didn't want me. For many years, I imagined various theories, until I accepted that I was just a reject. I am about to turn eighteen, and in two months I will have to leave the only place I have ever known as home. Once again, thrown away as a useless object that no one wants. I had already accepted my fate.

Of course, seeing other children and being a child myself, I had hoped to be adopted, but that was only until I was fourteen. For I noticed that people only liked to adopt babies and children until they were at least five years old. So, I stopped deluding myself and believing that one day I would have a family, all I think about now, is what I will do to support myself when I am no longer here.

''Lara, Lara...'' My best and only friend in my whole life. Eva comes screaming into the library. I immediately signal her to be quiet. "I'm sorry, but it's important. The principal said that this afternoon we'll have visitors, she said she's from a rich family interested in adopting,'' she says excitedly. Eva is four years younger than me, when she arrived we immediately got together and started taking care of each other. I say with a sarcastic smile. ''Please, Eva, let me finish this research, I don't have time for this nonsense" I say, and go back to reading the book I was concentrating on before Eva arrived. You shouldn't think like that Lara, this could still be your chance" She says, with her eyes full of tears, and I know she's like that because she knows that in two months I have to leave the orphanage, and I don't even have anywhere to go. ''Eva, I won't be, chosen, never'' - I answer. She stares at me for a few moments. ''Don't think like that Lara, I still believe in miracles and I know that one can happen, you just have to have faith" she says and leaves. I keep watching her leave. "Bullshit this faith business, the nuns keep saying that all the time. This conversation is just to make us less angry.

Don't think like that, dear, maybe this time everything will change. - I am surprised by the voice of the nun superior, who had arrived, and I hadn't even noticed. She says with a certain trace of mystery in her voice: "Possibly today is your day. - she says, smiling at me, but staring at me with a certain emotion that I don't even understand.

''Nun, what a fright," I put my hand to my chest. ''What do you mean by that? I'm not a child to believe these stories anymore, I'm not going to believe that a rich couple could really have any interest in adopting someone who is about to come of age. You can save that conversation for the minors," I stand up and start to gather my things. Just as I am about to walk out the door, she calls me to stop.

"Suit yourself, dear'' - says-You are more special than you think, dear, never forget that.'' She says, and I look at her, as always, with that smile on her face that annoys me. I don't answer anything and leave.

But late right after lunch, all the kids are excited about the visit. I am standing in the same place, lying on my bed reading a book. ''Lara, the mother superior says that you also need to get ready'' Mother Carl enters. She's like one of those nuns in the movies, she's always smiling. ''Tell her I'm not coming'' I say, turning my back to her.

''She knew you would say that'' She smiles and comes over to me. '' She said it's an order, not a request, you still live here and must obey'' She says and leaves.

"What the fuck, what do they want with me? If they choose me, it won't be for any other reason than to serve daddy's''

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