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Leer The Alpha and the Vigilante libro PDF gratis en línea

2024-07-08 16:16:37 Manobook.com 22

Leer The Alpha and the Vigilante libro PDF gratis en línea

"El Alfa y la Vigilante" es una historia de amor sobre hombres lobo que sigue a Ares, la Gamma que ejerce la justicia como vigilante, y Cain, el Alfa de Blood Lake Pack, quienes se enfrentan a desafíos y revelaciones inesperadas en su búsqueda de unión como almas gemelas destinadas.

••• When the Moon Goddess created the first werewolves, she split one soul between the two of them, thus creating a perfect soulmate for every werewolf thereafter, known as their mate. Upon the birth of a werewolf, she assigns them with a supernatural ability, known as their Gift•••

Ares is a killer. During the day, she is busy fulfilling her duties as the Gamma of her pack. However, before anyone wakes, she sneaks out to unclaimed territory and assassinates rogues to avenge her parents' murder. The Moon Goddess made the mistake of granting her the ability to materialize weapons at will, and Ares fully intended to use her powers as much as she could to deal out vigilante justice.

Cain, the cruel Alpha of the Blood Lake Pack, has given up on finding his mate. At 28 years old, it seems unlikely that he will ever find her. All hope is lost until he meets the shockingly violent Gamma from a neighboring pack. His only problem is, she won't go with him easily.

parte 1: la historia de The Alpha and the Vigilante

parte 2: personajes principales de The Alpha and the Vigilante

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de The Alpha and the Vigilante

parte 1: la historia de The Alpha and the Vigilante

En el libro "The Alpha and the Vigilante", somos transportados a un mundo donde la Diosa de la Luna creó los primeros hombres lobo, dividiendo una sola alma entre ambos y estableciendo así a su alma gemela perfecta, conocida como su pareja. En el nacimiento de cada hombre lobo, les asigna una habilidad sobrenatural, denominada su Don.

Ares es una asesina. Durante el día, cumple con sus deberes como Gamma de su manada. Sin embargo, antes de que alguien despierte, se escabulle hacia territorio no reclamado y elimina a los renegados para vengar el asesinato de sus padres. La Diosa de la Luna cometió el error de otorgarle la capacidad de materializar armas a voluntad, y Ares tenía la firme intención de usar sus poderes al máximo para impartir justicia vigilante.

Cain, el cruel Alfa de la Manada Blood Lake, ha abandonado la idea de encontrar a su pareja. A los 28 años, parece poco probable que la encuentre. Toda esperanza se desvanece hasta que conoce a la sorprendentemente violenta Gamma de una manada vecina. Su único problema es que ella no irá con él fácilmente.

parte 2: personajes principales de The Alpha and the Vigilante

Hombre: Cain

El cruel Alpha de la Manada Blood Lake, desilusionado y resignado a no encontrar nunca a su compañera. La llegada de la violenta Gamma de una manada vecina ofrece una nueva posibilidad, aunque convencerla de unirse a él presenta un desafío.

Mujer: Ares

Una asesina que actúa como Gamma de su manada durante el día y se aventura en territorio no reclamado al amanecer para vengar el asesinato de sus padres. Dotada con el poder de materializar armas a voluntad por la Diosa Lunar, Ares busca llevar a cabo una justicia vigilante utilizando sus habilidades sobrenaturales.

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de The Alpha and the Vigilante

The Alpha and the Vigilante

The Alpha and the Vigilante

autor: vviticus

The Alpha and the Vigilante Chapter 1

4 years later

It was my birthday. 18th birthday, if you want to get specific about it. I woke up at 4 am, same as every day. That may seem early, but it was the prime time to sneak out of my pack's borders.

Before leaving, I got dressed in black leggings, a black long sleeve shirt, boots, and my trademark black cloak. I pulled up the black mask up to right before my eyes opened, which effectively covered half of my face. The whole getting dressed process was very methodical, as is everything I do.

I drank a smoothie made of 4 raw eggs, kale, and wolfsbane. After the little incident four years ago (you know, the one where I got my tongue ripped out. Did you even read the prologue?) I came up with an idea. I noticed that when he whipped me with wires soaked in wolfsbane, that my body started adapting to the feeling of it slightly. So, I decided to start building up my immunity by drinking a little bit of it each day.

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The Alpha and the Vigilante Chapter 2

I seamlessly snuck back into the territory, and still had an hour before I had to meet with the rest of the pack leaders, including the Alpha, Beta, and Delta.

I showered, and changed into a new set of the exact same clothes I put on just a few hours ago. I light the clothes soiled in blood with fire in my backyard, and stomped out the ashes.

Putting my cloak and mask back on, I exited my house. I preferred to always wear those, as the amount of scars and damage done to my face and neck often drew unwanted attention. I also liked looking incredibly closed off, as it often warned people away from me. Not that pack members saw me as approachable anyways.

I walked the short distance to the Pack House, where the Alpha resided, and where I used to live until I received the Gamma position.

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The Alpha and the Vigilante Chapter 3

After the meeting, I went back to my house to put on my training gear. I trained in a black sports bra, black leggings, and black running shoes. It was the only time I was not in my cloaked attire, and that was only because running in the cloak would get too hot and I needed wolves I was training to be able to see my body when I demonstrate techniques.

I ran to the training field, and waited for all of the wolves scheduled for the 10am training class to show up. Usually, wolves trained much earlier in the day unless they were still in school, but the training was postponed in light of the pack leader meeting that was held this morning.

By 10am, all 25 of the wolves arrived. They knew better than to be late. Despite having over 100 pack members eligible for training, I preferred to keep training classes small, so I could really correct each individual. Technique was the most important part of combat training, and it required my attention to detail.

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