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Leer His Deaf Luna libro PDF gratis en línea

2024-07-08 16:16:53 Manobook.com 13

Leer His Deaf Luna libro PDF gratis en línea

"El Alfa y la Vigilante" es una historia de amor sobre hombres lobo que sigue a Acacia, una loba sorda que lucha por sobrevivir después de escapar de sus captores, enfrentándose al desafío de adaptarse a un nuevo mundo y aceptar que el temido Alfa del reino de los hombres lobo es su pareja destinada.

Acacia is not your typical werewolf. Being deaf and kidnapped at the age of eight, she endured torture and pain that would have killed her if she were human. When a fight breaks out between the men that took her and another band of rogues, this allows her to escape, but will she be able to get away in time? Will she learn to deal with the new world around her and the fact that the scariest Alpha known to the werewolf kingdom is her mate or will her world continue to spiral out of control?

parte 1: la historia de His Deaf Luna

parte 2: personajes principales de His Deaf Luna

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de His Deaf Luna

parte 1: la historia de His Deaf Luna

En el libro "The Alpha and the Vigilante", nos sumergimos en la vida de Acacia, una licántropa no convencional. Sufrió el tormento y dolor del secuestro a la edad de ocho años, experiencias que habrían acabado con ella si fuera humana. Un enfrentamiento entre los hombres que la retuvieron y otro grupo de renegados le brinda la oportunidad de escapar, pero ¿conseguirá hacerlo a tiempo?

Ahora en libertad, Acacia se enfrenta a un nuevo mundo a su alrededor. Descubre que el Alfa más aterrador del reino de los hombres lobo es, de manera inesperada, su pareja destinada. ¿Podrá adaptarse a esta realidad desafiante y manejar el torbellino de emociones que le provoca esta conexión única, o su mundo continuará deslizándose hacia el caos?

parte 2: personajes principales de His Deaf Luna

Mujer: Acacia

Una mujer lobo atípica que es sorda y fue secuestrada a los ocho años. Sufrió tortura y dolor que habrían sido mortales para un ser humano. Tras un enfrentamiento entre los hombres que la tomaron y otra banda de renegados, logra escapar, pero ¿será capaz de huir a tiempo? ¿Podrá adaptarse al nuevo mundo que la rodea y aceptar que el Alfa más temido del reino de los hombres lobo es su compañero o seguirá perdiendo el control sobre su vida?

Hombre: Alfa temido

El intimidante líder de la manada, conocido como el Alfa más aterrador del reino de los hombres lobo, resulta ser el compañero de Acacia. Su presencia desafiante y poderosa plantea nuevas complejidades en la vida de Acacia, amenazando con poner su mundo patas arriba y desencadenar acontecimientos impredecibles en su futuro.

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de His Deaf Luna

His Deaf Luna

His Deaf Luna

autor: Allamy14

His Deaf Luna Chapter 1 - Acacia

I run. Fast.

I feel my wolf getting a tiny bit stronger as I run through the forest, the fresh air filling my lungs. I haven't left that tiny cell in ten years and now I am free.

It's honestly too good to be true. I know I have to keep moving or they will find me. I continue to feel my wolf get stronger and begin to surface as I continue to run, trees whipping past me.

After a while, I stop for a moment and feel myself begin to shift as my wolf takes over my body completely. I scream out in pain, my bones cracking and popping and I feel my dirty rags rip to shreds. God, it was just as painful as the first time it happened. Hopefully it gets easier the more I do it. I quickly dig a hole and paw in the shreds to hide the evidence of me being here before covering it up and taking off again.

My wolf lets out a happy growl and runs faster. It feels nice to let my wolf out again after I first shifted.

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His Deaf Luna Chapter 2 - Grayson

'Alpha, come quick. There's a rogue on the eastern border' my beta Levi mind links me.

'Why do I need to come and see a rogue? You know how to handle rogues' I groan back, frustrated at him for interrupting me. 'They trespassed so just kill them'.

'No Grayson. I think you'll want to see this.'

I groan again, rolling my eyes. What could possibly be so important as to disturb my work?

'What makes them so special then huh?'

'I don't know. She just smells different to the usual ones. She's acting differently too. Not fighting us'.

'It's a woman?'

'Yes. Small scruffy wee thing, with big green eyes. Super skinny, there's nothing to her'.

'Oh, I mean we've dealt with female rogues like her before. She still trespassed. You have to just follow through.' I reply, running my hand through my hair as I stare down at my paperwork. A tiny shed of guilt runs through me but it's gone as soon as it came.

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His Deaf Luna Chapter 3 - Acacia

I stir and try to open my eyes but they are too heavy. So instead, I just lay there, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment.

Slowly, the peacefulness beings to turn to pain as I continue to wake up from my slumber. Everything feels heavy. My ribs ache, my head hurts, and my insides feel numb. Nothing I haven't already come to expect though.

Maybe it was all a twisted dream?

However, my doubts quickly dissipate as I suddenly feel a presence in the room. It's the alpha. I can smell him. That same sickly sweet musk. There's someone else in the room too but he is all I can focus on.

He smells so heavenly, it's intoxicating.

Oh my god. What is wrong with me?

I quickly tuck away the thought as I know nothing good can come of it and instead turn my attention to the other presence in the room.

They don't smell as strongly as he does, but that same sweet smell is heavy in the air. Whoever they are, they seem busy. I can sense them moving around the room.

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