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Chapter 3 3

Palabras:1109    |    Actualizado en: 26/01/2024


ated by the situation. Rory, holding the

ust wants what's best for Paige," Ro

ing it. "No one gets it! Charles is trouble. I

true. Remember what you were like before we met? You were a p

that. I admit I was a playboy, but I'm

ave something in his mind. Otherwise Rory ran her hand through Luke's ba

what I'm thinking." He regretted snappin

and this,"

aid those awful things to her,"

eping son. He kissed Luke's forehead and wrapped his a

Everyone thought she was rebellious. I helped her with homework, and I was the one who realized she had dyslexia. I always had her back, got

m behind. Logan looked behind and saw Paige with tears fal

hem and motioned Logan to go Paige. She walked past Paige n

she was doing it for her father who was always there supporting her, she was in a deep dilemma. She had to choose between her fa

n't mean anything he said. He is just disappointed." He

ghter. I can't help him in the family business. Look at Logan, he is a successful CEO, dad's descendant. Whil

ogan are equal in front our eyes. No one

parison to her brother. Of course, he loved her more than Logan. But little did he know, Paige considered herself a

hamed of you. In fact we are proud, how you are independent and a known artist.

r our family and our company. It's my decision to get married. And I a

me." Leonardo patted her daughter's

her. She was determined to change Logan's mind. Later she

ogan got the opportunity to go to school while painting and music was her only outside world. It was one of the reason she distant herself

e lounged herself in her brother

m so sorry." She apolo

ld apologize. Not you. I am sorry my baby sis."

d that's why you guys didn't send me to a proper school

air and sat beside her. He wiped

ed. If marrying him is what you want for Dad's sake, I'm a

d, "Sure, w

od or bad. And if you ever feel unsafe

ge agreed, "

my blessings th

their children from the balcony, express

is is a good ide

ve a choice. I promised to p

ld endanger Paige's l

arles. He's the right choice for

ious, "What if Char

ee to this arranged marriage," L

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