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A Painful Mistake

Chapter 3 Part 3

Word Count: 1239    |    Released on: 11/06/2024

I woke up with someone running away I was still surprised because my dream was t

picture while he sleeping and get out of m

g happened to llishan and he loved me. Because I was drunk last ni

ged her. I felt like she didn't hug me so

walked away from me, so I laughed. He d


I remember something."

aid that because that's true. I do n

, not believing that something had happened.

the one who has a word and a word. I thought he loved me because somethi

She replied to me so I stooped. What about me? I re

ye. I grabbed my cellphone and called Daddy. It was wrong for me to say

I call

et's talk."

rst and fixed myself, before I got home. I entered the house

or Mc Llishan." Daddy says

't." Please

ant me to do. Daddy, mommy

and looked at the Sanchez cou

I'll ca

but I made a mist

son. Jaxeen." Gener

but he just looks at me. Llishan

." She called

noon." She greeted Mommy a

late?" Aske

e here because you were going to ta

ng happened to my son?" He asked L

nd and marry my daughter

" I lov

love her." Llishan's answer to Daddy

Sanchez, you have a go home."

neral Sanchez said serious

let him marry your daug


dismissed them. Llishan ap

u thinking?"

m something happened

because something happen

said angrily so

?” He

love you?" he asked seri

ove you. Because that won'

get married I will never forgive you."

y, pl

hurts I don't want th

m alone."

chest and poured my anger. Daddy is my comfort z

about what happens between you and him because one of L

someone I don't love bec

a choice." Daddy said as I li

my fellow daddy, it's ju

to me, he couldn't really change what they wanted. It was

didn't know he was married so I agreed. He didn't use our rin

is girlfriend for

ry." I'

unk then.

t we are?" He as

ain." I s

op you, don't l

you since childhood we were just drunk

ing to leav

just in the paper." H

her head. Beginning then she didn't expect MC to

th AJ for good preparations I wanted to sing her while we were dancing, because she was my 18 r

by the poor tapp

so I was surprised to find my

and got up from the o

her and approached, I took a ch

e lay down but faced me. I brushed her

for fighti

to love me?" I asked

r or friend because I can't

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