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Billionaire's Ex Wife Is The New CEO

Chapter 4 Answer me first!

Word Count: 1738    |    Released on: 29/05/2024

ed sleep." Carmen groaned as she was dragged by her best fri

ur miserable state of mind and body, I don't think it's working." Molly harped, thanking t

Molly had linked her arm around hers, making it nea

Carmen and started chucking any dress she deemed cute, sexy, or just su

p with Molly's rapid swings. "You're s

hat. That's why we get along so well. You're as exciting as watching p

s that had been hurled at her. "OK, OK, OK, this is enough." Was she expect

not what she

f it, she hadn't sign


pity on her, to spare her from the atrocities of her best frien

a'am." The pleasant attendant said be

ake another step when her gaze

m, her back to Carmen, and seemed to be trying on a dress. Jenna's joy, howe

devil," Carmen ove

n had the stronge

loved toying with people, proud of the fact that she had someone to clean up her mess-to ridicule he

onin himself had booked a flight to ensure they never crashed into each other. Why else would

turning to face Molly, who was standing next to her. "Le

riend's spirits rather than worsen them. But when she saw Jenna up there, she couldn

t mannequin; you should try it on." Molly offered

ce her friend, Jenna spoke, making the two

armen thought Jenna was redeemable. But then the same lovely smile turned into disgust, and Jenna threw the dress at the staff who was assisting her. "Eve

ave it, Carmen

e just turned to Molly and asked her one more time. "Let's just go.

k away from this, Molly led her friend into a smaller room meant for private fittings.

he so chooses. But we're staying, and that's the end of the story. Now,

ut not before glarin

ormed out of the showroom as well. It was only then

x, breathing through her nose

and saw herself through

on all kinds of trivial pursuits, she had spent it on books and other academic needs. She never even dyed her hair. But she never

seven years old when her parents divorced and she never saw her mother ever again. There were a million moments in

he could ever have. Carmen was the only child so there was no doubt that he loved her and spoiled her with everything he had. They weren't super rich

and returned home. Her father had grown old and sick and it w

endant arrived and arranged all the dresses Molly had p

nt said with a lovely smile before stepping out of the ro

t the fact that a lunch break was in order after one hell of torture, she walked out of the room, to

d her poor heart lurched beneath her chest w

same time. However, instead of appearing surprised lik

ose curls out of her face, not read

s yet to heal from his callous attitude towards her. Moreover, having dealt with Jenna no

sed herself and


e yanked her back until his

break free from his tight

y my question. Shouldn't you have gone back home by now? What exactly are you

but she couldn't. His grip was too fi

r me f

no longer together. You have no right to tell me where I should and should not be. You don't own me anymore

n's dark eyes. His face d

still affected her-hurt her. "Now, do your girlfriend a favour and stay away from

he quickly loosened his grip, letting C

d at the same spot she had left him, glar

ered to himself. "Big mistake, Carmen. You should have left when you had

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1 Chapter 1 Dude, you're rude! 2 Chapter 2 It wasn't mine! 3 Chapter 3 I remember everything! 4 Chapter 4 Answer me first! 5 Chapter 5 The spell worked! 6 Chapter 6 Just go already! 7 Chapter 7 You're doing it again! 8 Chapter 8 What the hell 9 Chapter 9 You can't say that! 10 Chapter 10 Oh, my sweet lord! 11 Chapter 11 I kind of like Carmen 12 Chapter 12 We need to talk 13 Chapter 13 Why are you crying 14 Chapter 14 Don't touch me 15 Chapter 15 I don't know what to do 16 Chapter 16 Double down on security 17 Chapter 17 But can we get an icecream first 18 Chapter 18 It's just a sprain 19 Chapter 19 I have my sources 20 Chapter 20 You and your crazy ideas 21 Chapter 21 No choice 22 Chapter 22 What the hell 23 Chapter 23 I-I don't know what to say... 24 Chapter 24 Stop it. You're hurting me.25 Chapter 25 I'm going to catch you, you little thief! 26 Chapter 26 What happened to your phone 27 Chapter 27 Alright. It's time to get things rolling. 28 Chapter 28 Are you kidding me 29 Chapter 29 Yeah, what do you need 30 Chapter 30 Please, open the door. 31 Chapter 31 Lead the way. 32 Chapter 32 Come on, the boss is waiting, 33 Chapter 33 Please... let me go. 34 Chapter 34 Don't. Or I'll shoot. 35 Chapter 35 Just make it quick. 36 Chapter 36 Are we done 37 Chapter 37 Messing with your alarm clock, of course. 38 Chapter 38 Are you sure, honey 39 Chapter 39 What did she do 40 Chapter 40 What am I even doing 41 Chapter 41 How... how would I know that 42 Chapter 42 Is this some kind of joke 43 Chapter 43 Why is he forcing me to step down 44 Chapter 44 A name would suffice. 45 Chapter 45 Still thinking about the old man 46 Chapter 46 I'm seriously mad at you. 47 Chapter 47 Come on, I think it's time you see this. 48 Chapter 48 So many questions, aren't there 49 Chapter 49 You don't understand, I can't go back to him, 50 Chapter 50 And you're a fool to let her go. 51 Chapter 51 There is a coffee shop just down the road. 52 Chapter 52 Are you okay You look... 53 Chapter 53 How did you get here 54 Chapter 54 Did you happen to read the text I sent you last night 55 Chapter 55 But Ms Price, it's a tradition... 56 Chapter 56 You heard about that already 57 Chapter 57 Yup. The one and only. 58 Chapter 58 So, are you finally going to enlighten me 59 Chapter 59 So, are you finally going to enlighten me (2)60 Chapter 60 So, are you finally going to enlighten me (3)61 Chapter 61 So, are you finally going to enlighten me (4)62 Chapter 62 So, are you finally going to enlighten me (5)63 Chapter 63 Hmm What's going on 64 Chapter 64 Of course, I understand. 65 Chapter 65 I'm trying. I swear I am. 66 Chapter 66 Right. So, what are we going to do next 67 Chapter 67 Couldn't agree more. 68 Chapter 68 Hey, are you okay 69 Chapter 69 Oh, my God, are you okay Please tell me you're okay. 70 Chapter 70 You taste like heaven, Carmen. So sweet and perfect. 71 Chapter 71 Are you alright, my dear 72 Chapter 72 Not now. Not like this. 73 Chapter 73 Such a waste of a night, 74 Chapter 74 I hope it works, 75 Chapter 75 Where the hell is he 76 Chapter 76 You have my word. 77 Chapter 77 Are you going to hurt me 78 Chapter 78 Sure that's a good idea The last time we took- 79 Chapter 79 Why isn't she waking up, Aunt Will 80 Chapter 80 Cat got your tongue 81 Chapter 81 You didn't say yes either, and that's just as good as saying no. 82 Chapter 82 I want to make a call. 83 Chapter 83 Such a typical Jasper move. 84 Chapter 84 Against her will 85 Chapter 85 It's good to see you again. 86 Chapter 86 Speaking of which... 87 Chapter 87 ...you don't have to explain. 88 Chapter 88 Maybe I do. You'll have to work for it, Mr. Logan. 89 Chapter 89 Wait, what What kind of plan 90 Chapter 90 What the hell was he thinking 91 Chapter 91 That's why you left so early that night. 92 Chapter 92 You're letting emotions cloud your judgment. 93 Chapter 93 What the heck just happened 94 Chapter 94 I can sit on the couch. 95 Chapter 95 Let me take you on a date tomorrow. 96 Chapter 96 What's that supposed to mean 97 Chapter 97 But then, why did you... 98 Chapter 98 I thought...I thought you'd be mad. 99 Chapter 99 If only that was true. 100 Chapter 100 Carmen, please, I just want to talk.