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That guy who rape me

That guy who rape me

Author: ms.reyes

Chapter 1 Part 1

Word Count: 1437    |    Released on: 21/05/2024


hone alarm going off, (we don't have

ng, why am I naked?.My head still hurts a lot, maybe from a ha

mmm, my name is a boy, but I'm flirty every night, haha, I'm with you, but w

ave no choice but to act like a re

ander, and Jayce, aren't they, male names too but t

sleep sometimes to make me comfortable, I was about to st

blood is this, don't te

nothing, I remembered I'm very tired and I feel like I'm sleeping well, while walking.to get ready to take a shower I noticed a small notebook.I came over, and bent down and took it, the cover is still 10, but who cares?!, it's

shower, I'm just going to throw it away, after all, it's not mine. Af


ated by.repeated until he was tired of my body.His face is thick, he even put money in my bag, it's all worth 50,000, the rest is in an envelope, I can only see a thousand, some are still tied, what does he think of me?! Paid woman?! I never once thought of doing

an help myself especially since I don't have anyone here in the cit

bag, I didn't know what I was going to do with this money, I accepted it because I didn't have anything either, tomorrow I will look for a

, I will send it later for mom, and my family, my brother will take care


our brother"-

to buy mom's medicine, she's still in the hospital right now, we need to pay mom's bill, Aria, I got fired fr

d from your work" he said and hung up the call, yes brother I was very tired earlier, because that demon almost killed


ed at the gays, those who have no respect for

said Alexander, she's the most flirtatious, artistic and beautiful on her

you liked the gift we ga

you enjoyed i

ng that?!" I asked in surprise, I have n

hen bring them here !!.We gave it to you as a present, but we have no intention of anything happening, it seems like Mimi is warming up! It's like you're going to dance!! Oh, isn't it excitin

imi sure enjoyed it

" I said, suddenly alexander g

too, I'm sorry, we're like squatters, we're really used t

, aren't I

felt great, and I was s

fun, oh my god, I can't wait for th

hat's so quie

, it was broken last night, wa

a bad atti

a week, he doesn't want to!!!" Benjamin shout

ey, because you're flirting,

idiots, I can't focu

ave, your company will burn!" shouted Alexande


when I saw papa, kallurkeeiii! You're sur

d I forced my voice to be male otherwis

son is 25 years old, I asked, do y

g, I'm focusing on t

d I don't like merlats, it's disgusting, I wish I was one of the merlats, why is

er, you know what will happen when I dissapoint you" he said so

hispered as I looked at my phone watching my bebe

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