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To my husband's mistress

Chapter 5 AVLAIRE'S POV✨

Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 18/05/2024


, I really find the idea annoying because duh, I've never cleaned or worked physically before. At first, I

er while combing her hair. He's ready

that she was newly awake because of her eyes and her hair. I stared at him while hold

t, I say watch over you.", Aki sa

All right! Ne, I'm leaving. And Akio, don't fight me. You are like that.", His

avoid what he had given the broom. His head sh

s that?", He said to my surprise but because he was ta

g me again?", I complained and then went to her. "I really hate that attitude of yours. And your treatment of your mother is so f

red my mouth with his long finger. He calmly said and heard it. I wa

o spoons. He put the cup in front

know how sweet you were.", He sai

e sweetness I know you can't do.", I said softly and he seemed to

e. "Mhmm .. Say it again?", He asked and laid his arm

of her eyes, I immediately forgot what I had to say. "It's so sweet ... whatever. You've heard it onc

h a smile. My heart was about to fall because he was

d it with coffee and ate it after moist bread. He could see my thoughts.

le I'm complaining about a lot of things. After we had ea

raised my

d without a reaction. I wa

what he said but suddenly I got up and took his glass. I can handle it and slowly

around and took the napkin just next to the shelf,

e slowly just because my arm was

r that, wash it.", He o

at her. "Excuse me, you can't be here with me and what's with—", I immediately stopped as

voided looking and went

y head to her hard chest. She was standing behind me and I could feel her body. I almost jumped when he captain my

ght?", He asked my right ear cal

. Even though I wanted to focus on what he was tea

o love you again.", I said Bravely as if it were just a simple phrase.

y and finished the first gla

d gi

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