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Cindy’s Darkest Desires

Chapter 4 C4

Word Count: 2372    |    Released on: 18/05/2024

ndy's heart to race very fast. Cindy wasn't expecting such a question

ing her speechless; he knew she wouldn't be able to handle him before the date

ide to name you my hubby then?"

the h

e could think of with over

silliness because he knew she was going to

expression before Cindy cou

ith a smiley face and her irresi

a title, Miss," he correc

didn't specify!" she scolded him qu

She was now probably controlling him,

when you finally tell me yo

chick now. He didn't want to tell her his real na

hands, clenc

table," he gritted before

en!" Cindy rejoiced and fol

school. She stopped to take a few harsh, fast br

close," sh

pit safely, but then, she noticed Hailey was

?" she

gs had devoured her unnoticed,

get another friend before Friday!" she hi

s, but no one came for him. He took o

nd answering my text? Aren't

trolled back to the balcony

and cousin. I made a bad choice coming here in

ht hair on his forehead. He didn't know what he did to hur

ere for too long. I need to

e any close friends

alone because of those bullies, so he volunteered to ride

ded to hurt him again

k to his bike and started

ed out in pajamas, his phone sc

eft?" he thoug

ught about Ivan that night. Her love

ic daydream of her getting marr

in front of those bullies.

, his scent... she could memor

by Rexa

exclaimed, and she sa

into my room like t

nd is here

any friends, so she wonder

night here with us," she


e her think o

ame ringing alive in

e screen, panic written all over her face. Frodd

r dad just dropped a

t replying to my text as well. I feel ver

d the car,

out, right? Perhaps, she'

y, a stranger?" she as

be fine," he told her, hi

ir closeness, so she p

ext in between the date, in case if s

cketed h

So, I have to drive you home," he sa

me yet," Juan pouted, cros

hind her, before pulling

ard. Where did he pluck the audaci

! Drop me!" Juan was yel

u're safe back home before 9," he told her while p

his finger on her lip, and Jua

that night, he was looking at her like she w

tely and pok

now," he told her before plugging her sea

driver's seat, and Juan just c

t to her before st

t he didn't want to look at her, so s

e quick," he informed her, whi

off when he noticed

r head on his shoulder

en more than yourself," he spoke gentl

e couldn't stop herself from licking her lips sweetly. The foods were

oticed that Mr. Stranger wasn't served.

ubby? You haven't given him anything to eat too," she

Did she just mention callin

closer to him dared no

ng to be sure she heard the correct

hubby?" Cindy leaned in

that moment, but he was lazily looking at

ungry," he spo

He wants me to feed h

plate and stretched out her other hand to pul

't letting go. He must ha

he asked, glaring throu

d forgotten he wasn't just an ordinary person like her

rry," she

o of her wrist, and it wa

ing romantic. Our date is meant to be casual," he s

but he was trying not to lose it on her. Sh

er hands were hurting so much that she

touch your mask?" she suddenly asked,

kly, like what she said cau

warm. Eat up," he sai

ions. She knew he was keeping something away from

o figure out every dam

each other now?" she asked, and

h?" he told her, and Cindy

hought that if he knew her house address and her perfect fit of

you get to figure out where I live, and my size? We

she would think

ace. Cindy really wanted to see his face, or perh

u know my name for

and silly," he spouted, causing her to pou

ifties walked in, di

. Stranger quickly stood up, leaving

dy called, a

he actually likes the name, which

hat moment, but his hard glare swallowed up

staying here al

man recognized to be h

droom quick. Make sure she d

nd went towards Cindy, leadi

long stair and arriv

ur quickly

in his bedroom," he told her

tire house doubled. It felt like she was in a bedroom that b

ctually lives. Doubtfully, she knew

ich enough to buy

bed and sat on i

!" she insta

going. Even though it wasn't probably going the way she pla

and gave her a call

sed and threw h

he stilettos she was wearing, so s

in. His step was so practical, like he

pened?" C

off by taking off his wristw

t and was left in h

ew he was that muscular, and now withou

his shoes and wa

up, moving

ate ended?


at, but he kept mute again before moving t

then?" she asked, sta

, like she was supposed t

o be home befor

you, the ship we a

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