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CEO Bride Of Mr Hunter

Chapter 4 Golden Ticket

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 06/05/2024

to address the pecul

on, while there was this other part, the more prideful and snobbish side of her, t

s right. They needed to talk, and it had to

en made her more exaggerated than she normally was- she lifted her gaze off the table between them and s

er. And she knew if they were going to have a civilized conversation about their night

n," there, she said i

e said, sounding so damn sure of himself that it almost made her wa

id not just think

that's what it was. Because there was no way she was still horny for this man. Not after coming to the g

as anything Clara would never compromise with-after he

lready more than enough as it was. "And to be frank, I'm quite surprised with my behaviour in the past few nights. I don't...I don't usually sleep around.

looked at her like she was a

I think it's best if we keep our distance from each other. S

" He raised a brow, as if want

but not for too long. She nodded. "Of

oking amused again. "

Or was she the one imagining things on his behalf? Either way, she had said her piece, and all there was to do wa

as fast as possible, before she did something she w

rushing to her room, wanting to esca


in a row now-had left his hotel room, M

believe what

e woman twice, and that too, o

e had never ha

to wipe the smirk off hi

the man she had spent two nights with, but she had no ide

previous life to deserve such good fo

ore than perfect. This was his golden tick

o break his boring routine and

a Me

een quite busy imagining fucking her in every way imaginable last night, when she talked on and on and on about the unfairness of b

were already spinning, and he

tten rid of him, fast and easy, but unfortunately-and

just the

said, sounding as chipper

I want you to make them an offer they can't refuse." He s

l be done as so

cting and call and t


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