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His Forbidden Desires

Chapter 4 Kick out

Word Count: 1051    |    Released on: 29/04/2024

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e the sound o

see who could be at the door. Her Verto black

lady in front of her. She wore a blue t-shirt with black jeans and

e maid, I was told I made it to the

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he door further to the wall, she had not expected her to be right o

ite ceiling so high up in the sky, the staircase in front of her with gold railings and and a glass steps. Matchin

hear it. Some of it was her handwork as she used to be an interior d


o you want this j

cted her to tell her about her family troubles and how bad she needed the money but she heard none of that.

taking care of a home?” Rebecca crossed her arms waiti

or taking care of others, in fact, I was the food matron at the camp that



t, her arms by her side. A s

ired” she stretched forth h

you won’t regret t

e you a tour aro

r of the day, the location. She got to th

a pointed out at the spacious kit

d so was the table counter. The freezer was tall enough to hide a human

dstuffs, it had labels on each containers ran

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g enough space in my

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s until they stopped at the firs

a bed stand brown in colour, a closet opposite it. A wa

mostly at work so you can clean th

a dark taste considerin

e step

ot only did the room the touches of a woman be

could already guess who had the room, Ofcourse she would wa

is my so

e door to a parti

s room will require cleaning twice a day, in the morni

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I prefer that”

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il they got to the las

ying. You can drop your bag and come down to the kitch

r room and it was ten times bigger than the

cca, after being given details of how the appliances work, th

ut alerting anyone was fascinating. He wore a black suit on a white shirt and a black tie, his suitcase laid on the couch beside him. His

ready pinned on his before he could spare her a glance. She could recognize from her night stand, the handsome m

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