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Chapter 3 IT WAS A TRAP

Word Count: 1155    |    Released on: 26/04/2024

excitement, rage, and curiosity are fiercely propelling me inside. However, just as I approach the ent

off, but the closing of the door? And why isn't there any goddamned soul walking in or

orry, and just like it was when I pulled over

? But what if there really is something t

e puzzle of what is happening here, some hushed voices stroke my ears from far behind. I

rking lot, where I am hearing the voices. I am shaking as

as more fear rises within me. I crouch behind a car and try to catch wind of anything that might warn me that thos

re, and no car has driven out. I'm becoming mor

om behind. I turn around in a flicker, and at the same ti

culine men everywhere around me. Men wearing black suits, hats, and sunglasses. I am unable to make

isty, beautiful journalist,

pped in this?

!” He adds and

what do you want

ngs it forward again with a gun. I sw

s. I want to carry you like a baby since we need you in good condit

ks my head with a gun, and eve


as passing out after a blow I received on my head. I can feel some cold liquid on my f

hese monsters don’t care whether I break my bones or not, and I

they have taken me, but all I hear is a deafening lull. Onl

that my hands are tied to my

dragged to where my verdict awaits me. Or, better yet, a pig being taken into a

door opening, and I am pushed inside. The

ys this beside me, and I presume he is

Am I a

ving pace. And they stop just a short distance from me. I feel a mal

tense! Re


What is this?” The man inspecting me spoke, and that

all over me, arousing

It feels s

eside me says again. “I had t

this hard? This will aff

escaping my lips. A man’s growl comes from the flo

id they are talking about. That touch. That voice. I canno

oping, against all odds,

oice orders, and in a blink, the

name of Daniel, with a gun perfectly hugged in his hands as if he is used to using it—my boyfriend.


ace, I am convinced that he is mocking me. Then his idioms turn dark and cold in a flicker: “So

napping? Is he the on

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