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The Void!

The Void!


Chapter 1 The Void!

Word Count: 1619    |    Released on: 23/04/2024

apocalypse would look like and w

asters like tidal waves

ics, monsters, zombies as

tbreak of a third world war accompanied

he above combined, and I'm not joking at all, your world is about

mysterious person appearing on the TV screen w

be rice, vegetables, soup, and side dishes, not to mention a small TV, a treasure of rural families.

ng happened, in a way that n

rer and instead of the usual beautiful newscaster from the television station, there was a mysterious figure dressed in a black cloak. The voice of this perso

world's apocalypse, requesting governments to start building emergency shelt

about to happen, the first would begin exactly two years from that day and th

s, and television stations worldwide. Some thought it was a prank by some hacker group, others fully be

one more thing, at the same time, the mysterious person was broadcasted on all electronic media including TVs, computers, phones, and even radios. In each country, th

d as it is today. Until everything began to settle down, people started to believe it was just a well-invested joke.

f over a million people. The space twisted and then shattered like a broken mirror, creating a strange black crack. In an instant, as if containing dozens of nuclear b

ple were killed or severely injured, and creatures within the crack's range that survived gradually became mad, their bodies transforming into grotesque beings that attacked

m destroying it; even robots could not approach it, and nuclear missiles launched from satellites could not de

aordinary physical abilities and formidable regenerative powers, making the fight against them extremely difficult. In just one year until the final

; history has proven that people can overcome any adversity to

re engulfing the entire world, once ag

appeared as miracles amid the apocalypse. They possessed the ability to resist the invasion from the cracks, some even had spec

odies of transformed creatures for medical applications, creating a serum that allowed humans to expel the invasion from their bodies. Thanks

pable of measuring the extent of invasion in livi

on amplitude exceeds 5%, symptoms such as hallucinations, headaches, and vomiting begin to appear, and surpassing 10%, they would be completel

ation, providing people and weapons capable of fighting against the Void. These individuals would receive full equipment and management as well as subsidies from the gove

were given the n

e Void Keeper organization, humanity had regained

rifts to destroy them, with the remaining tasks belonging to scientists seeking ways to minimize the radiation of the invaded areas. Walls, alarm

th Cedar Cove, the world gradually returned to its original stable state, though it was no longer as it was at t

sed to be powers. Instead, a Tri-Polar bloc was established worldwide, and naturally, in an era where V

Polar blo

ng quality Void Keepers, has continuously recruited t

age from the Void disaster, during which it developed remarkably. Not only d

ter originating from Rainbow. As a result, Emerald suffered considerable damage at that time. To retain a workforce full of potential and rebuild the nation in the post-apocalyptic era, Emerald

the time because Emerald had only one S-class Void Keeper, yet it was considered the strongest. Thanks to the appearance of tha

nd movies, living with my grandparents in a remote countryside, d

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