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The Billionaire Mafia Bad Romance

The Billionaire Mafia Bad Romance


Chapter 1 The beginning

Word Count: 1178    |    Released on: 06/04/2024


to spell it out to you? I

information in his head. He was the biggest billionaire figure, but a si

rd. Everyone in the lobby looked at me. I heard his ste

h force. A splitting sound could be heard in th

loser to his stinging cheek, the smooth of his skin turning red. I looked at his eyes and I could see it

ring. "will never work. I will never fall for you and neither will I ever,

taggered a few paces back. His

d neither you, nor your massive fortune would ev

as I was getting tired of standing on my heels. I looked down at my ou

s a whole. Our relationship would just be that of friends." He still did not say anything and I could see

yes as he bit hard on his lip. Once he realized it, it had blood and had gotten more p

act he looked like someone that had just been through defeat, with the weight of the

I had been saying the same thing for the past six months now and he

g mouths. Then the guilt hit hard, I had just embarrassed the CEO right in front of his workers and I had thoroughly thrashed his office. Well i

ter all, I was not his fiancée anymore. No I shook my

ng against the white marble tiles. A splitting smile tore my fa

and I got a glimpse of the video that was spreading around like w

is no longe

y eyes. I swirled around and giggled then collapsed on the spinning chair an

his face, he looked li

ook at the phone. I did feel bad about that though, I could still feel the pain


have an amused look on his face- not that I cared. He could not u

s thinking about Kyle

t the same time thinking o

men in my whole list of rich men and having to deal with

e sent me some or when he offered it to me. What girl did no

months and it was all thanks to him. And now I could focus on m

his engagement rin

my skin. I had fallen in love with the ring and parting ways with it seemed hard, eve

n a million- do you think I would be that dumb to part ways with it?" He nodded but did not say anythin

creen first on the table. "do not tell me you are feeling

?" I

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