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Chapter 5 Tonight's Banquet

Word Count: 810    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

ing. The man beside her was in a black suit. He looked exceptionally tall with handsome features, characterized by thick eyebrows, a straight nose, and

didn't turn up at

ately walked o

Beverly looked she meant it, she couldn't conceal her joy. Perhaps seeing he

d softly, "Emi

. How come Vincent was with her retarded sis

into Vincent's room on previous banq

r sister used to disfigure her, feeling devoured by hate, bu

expression, Elsi

phrodisiac seemed to have worn off. Vincent cou

nfused Elsie. Did Emily know

ly was just a retard. Ho

ll pretended to be gentle. She as

o scared. Eliot wasn't around and I couldn't fi

Vincent raised his e

roar. Emily's few words were enoug

er brother. However, instead of finding him, she acciden

was beyond doubt that Beverly and Elsie told a lie to Emily

to Beverly. Why was the stepmother ill-treating her so? On today's occasion, instead of taking good care

feigned care, Beverly held Emily in her arms and sa

to see my mother

Emily apart! However, she managed to put on a soft look. "Okay. As l

her ears and smiled sweetly at Vincent. "Th

aid politely with a smile, "It's not enough

smile. If Vincent asked her how she was about to t

ng to demolish it and build a new one." With the tablet in his hands, Vincent's assistant quoted the price. "Mrs

nd it took her a long ti

most laughed out in the middle of her crying

ckly came to her senses. "No problem.

she would weep i

, but his words were for Emily.

Even Elsie couldn't control her facial expr

present felt

wanted to send a

ke a fanc

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