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After a face surgery, I revenge on my ex husband

Chapter 7 Seven: Next time he texts or asks you on a date

Word Count: 2007    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

t way too personally, if you are different good luck with that. I won't b

us. Laura shook her head slightly and walked away. "What's the problem?" A little voice aske

problem at all " I smiled at

house, Lilac was already preparing for dinner. "Hello Lilac,

arted the audition yet?" She asked, rinsing her hand

, I was only given some books to read, like

be a nosey and a poker human. At first, when she came I thought oh wow, this la

as lying and that I was going to by all means and that I got my promotion because

et's have some dinner." Lilac said and I followed her

ck on the door, "Are you expecting anyone

again. "I'll get that," Lilac said pushing the chai

m the CEO, her CEO. I am here to see her." I tried to peep but I couldn't see, imm

is to sit down. "What do you want and why are you here?" I asked wi

e to s

d. I told you that I liked you and you don't seem to see the

and mocked, " Oh re

Lilac. "I won't beat around the bush, I don't love you, I am not interested, and never ever ask me or

u at least give me your heart?" He asked and I stood up to my feet.

"Girl!! You are the hotcake here. I won't imagine that Harvis whom ladies in this country are d

remembered that I had a sister who traumatized me

amn high, "You can hav

r something?" Lilac facial expression dropp

only to see a message from a profile that I identified as Harvis. Th

, the details I inputted." I stood up and went to his office, af

we haven't begun to audition yet for now but we will. Do you h

vening, doing nothing but reading and watching videos of models. Remem

o learn and progress but y

traight face because I knew he was going to escal

my news around but I am not that way anymore since I set my

I just heard him say, "That's okay, I am not intere

I said and left his office. As I came out of his office, Laura was already standing by

n the door and went in. Who knows what she went there to do? It seem



ght too but I didn't just seem to like it at all. "So that means the next time he texts or ask

me, I was already starting to feel that they were alrea

ft music sounding in the background, "I think I'll just go with fish and chips and stea

vis said and took my hands in his, I smiled and

nodded, "Yes I will be your girlfriend Har

my head as I watched him smile. We talked for some time, and I'm not goi

oor for me to enter and he drove me back home. T

he asked and I responded, "Like every other date will be.

r went on dates even though I loved h

you can get whatever and anything at all from him, if you play your role well. Don't fall for his games because once men

en wanting to ask, ar

you not married,"

and I just couldn't take that because it was a big slap to my face. I would never do that to him, and what I don't want someone who will

and said," Look here. There'

et out a chuckle. So there are lots of women out there really suf

sked and I nodded in approval, "I t

Harvis had to make me take the day off to actualiz

en my friend's boyfriend hit himself embarrassed. I'm so happy for what my fr

id, standing up and walking to sit with m

around my shoulder, and looked int

n I am sexually attracted to you, please receive sense," Lilac said,

eant was that I like everything about you, your aura, strength, and grace. You are really a strong

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1 Chapter 1 one: It's raining blood 2 Chapter 2 Two: A new place, uncovering 3 Chapter 3 Three: The transition 4 Chapter 4 Four: I need an artist 5 Chapter 5 Five: Why should you be dating for up to two years 6 Chapter 6 Six: Laura the poker 7 Chapter 7 Seven: Next time he texts or asks you on a date8 Chapter 8 Eight : You better do something before she does 9 Chapter 9 Nine: A gift for being beautiful 10 Chapter 10 Ten: 18+ suck the life11 Chapter 11 Eleven: Laura rides Harvis 12 Chapter 12 Twelve: Meeting the president's son13 Chapter 13 Thirteen: Meeting with the President 14 Chapter 14 Fourteen: Why does he keep taking it as a joke 15 Chapter 15 Fifteen: A picture with Addams 16 Chapter 16 Sixteen: Smells like roses 17 Chapter 17 Seventeen: Punishment 18 Chapter 18 Eighteen: You slapped me 19 Chapter 19 Nineteen: No one has to know 20 Chapter 20 Twenty: You have to be the one obeying 21 Chapter 21 Twenty one: I want you to kill Ava22 Chapter 22 Twenty two: Undress me and take charge 23 Chapter 23 Twenty three: Someone get her clutches 24 Chapter 24 Twenty four: We'll both die 25 Chapter 25 Twenty five: I'll treat you better 26 Chapter 26 Twenty six: Money can't buy love Mr President 27 Chapter 27 Twenty seven: You have three options 28 Chapter 28 Twenty eight: My monster can wait29 Chapter 29 Twenty nine: Trust the process 30 Chapter 30 Thirty: It takes time for the milk to spill31 Chapter 31 Thirty one: The visitor32 Chapter 32 Thirty two: Yes, I want you alone 33 Chapter 33 Thirty three: Slowly becoming the devil 34 Chapter 34 Thirty four: A little warning would do 35 Chapter 35 Thirty five: Sight seeing 36 Chapter 36 Thirty six: You may have to pay in future 37 Chapter 37 Thirty seven: There's love in sharing 38 Chapter 38 Thirty eight: Put it in 39 Chapter 39 Thirty nine: Evidence of good thrusts 40 Chapter 40 Fourty: I am tired!