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The Sweetest Revenge

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1594    |    Released on: 22/03/2024

a who was sweating

your face, darling?" she said with he

that with this f

ou some wat

by a thin hand. Alexa's eyes opened sadly, looking at him pleadingly. For

She rose up a little and

. I'm Ray," sa

you shorten your name

, "

s back on the bed. On a whim, she climbed onto his stomach while looking at hi

ears wer

on his chest, their hearts beating as one

the sharp hairs on the man's chin and chuckled. Maybe because he

ce when do you have a bea

ly he looked straight a

't you leave me?" she a

't wan

ed himself up and sat up straight with her hair messy. She grinned. Ray

ou have to marry m

a gentle massage. The man's skin was neither soft, nor rough, it was tougher than it looked. His muscles

in the same position wh

ay caught her han

laiming, "What? So you really don't want me anymore, Bray? You're sati

that didn't stop her. She made a pitiful dog face, t

ay? As long as you agree to

who really respects women and doesn't have the heart to hurt o

idn't notice when he was pounced on and

man didn't move until his upper body was naked. He was groped w

In a nightlife like this, he had often met pros

ever even to

Ray held her hand, ma

fied yet. I'm

people say

n doesn't cheat on you? Th

ter than that

do I have to s

you know the truth, I always take care of my butt every week. I'm a permanent member of a m

sion was torn between w

he stopped because of the hiccups, her head gett

ing down on a

nking." Her head fell completely because she couldn't hold it anymore. "Co

raps of her dress were pulled down, showing off her smo

t fainted again, so before that happened, she immediat




. Gr


ndsome man across Alexa's table, makin

was sti

did it appear after all these years? Why could she dream of this man in front of he

bartender at Veloture, the was carried by Ray like a sack of rice, hug

eally wha


rent from Jane's behavior, sh

t a dream—just

a dream," s

t dr

me to, and she immediately jumped

in his hand there was a clean napkin. "The wine yo

a sat unsteadily, taking ove

trance. This event is a public event, but anyone who enters wi


?" Ray looked at her skeptically. "You se

you, asshole.

use my services?" She cleared her

other day. Also, I really liked Jane's wedding

ionist when it

dedicate themselves to their work.



nt to make small talk. It was just that Jane insisted on asking her to take on this project. "I mean ... I'm a single m

about this fact, bu

es me benefits," he

right." She refrained

ns out for him that it is very profitable for

he facts revealed by


like men, women, monkeys or oranges. The

he had just arrived at this restaurant, Ray himself was waiting for her in the lobby and offered her his arm to hold


m, maybe she would fl

re?" Alexa asked idly, just

fused. "This is the th


ll Ray uses

all night and even took their virginity? That night they probably stared at each

t at Ray, giving off

ve met long before t

be cont

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