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The Lycan King's affection

Chapter 8 EIGHT

Word Count: 2355    |    Released on: 19/03/2024


nd stained with blood. Ash and dust clung to my battered body, while torn clothing and bloodied jeans adorne

er asked, concern evident in his

se myself. "I am alright," I finally managed to croak, my voice fi

don't need help? Are you hurt?" he continued to probe. It was out of genuine worry. I

hiking. I am

u want to go

ay," I r

sing that ro

immediately climbing in

e. My months at the Dumont house had made me understand why my adopted father had pushed me away. To keep his family safe. S

ered a sense of comfort against the chilling evening air. The driver glanced at me once more, con

onal whir of passing headlights. I could feel the weight of exhaustion pulling at my eyelids, but I r

When my father realized I was missing, the Gallagher hous

rget my family and everything and start afresh. I still had money the Gallaghers prepare

ver glanced at me. I noticed hi

e finally spoke, br

where my grandmother lives. Haven't visited her in a long time," I

glowed in the midst of all that blood, rubble and flames. I was convinced I had been born an omega as I couldn't regenerate or shift into my wo

ve me wouldn't help either. The la

to stay connected with family," he said gently. "

kitchen, the warmth of my adoptive father's embrace when I returned home, and the sound of our laughter, which annoyed our neighbours by the way, ec

whispered, more to

s of Marblefay. The driver slowed down and pulled up to the side of

illed with gratitude. "Thank you, r

rself, alright? And next time you go hiking, take

he truck, waving at him as he turned his tru

. I resumed my journey in solitary, my ste

ess was

nce and a smile crept up my mouth. My tired le

my home and pounding on the door relentlessly. It was the only sound t

, tears clouding my eyes because I ho

gotten about me. I hope

ch the door, and I heard the latch being undone. Hope surged wit

n, instead of my parents, my unc

d me he was going to swing it and that expression s

anded, his fist grabbing onto the bat so

ked, pushing past him and not cari

all I cared, he was just fami

now her. She was introverted and made no effort to come to family g

so. So the words just glided out of my mouth softly as I avoided he

!" My uncle's words ec

It was just hard to process what he was saying. It sure

universe would make it happen. "You're lying," I repeated for good measure. If I said it enough, pe

ere killed like animals be

retorted, horrified by

had in its place was a numbing emptiness. I replayed the moment I l

d his wife. But had it really been for my sake? My knees bu

nse. Something told me he wasn't like his wife though. He detested my p

na of the Lily of the Valley

e was paying people I knew a visit. Flashes of what the assassin said to

e past. But I am done talking about this with you. Unlike my brother, I cherish my blood. My true blo

s this way and if my presence here was going to bring

of the house with this cruel

cold to the touch too but it did not matte

essly wandered the streets, unsure

orld was crumbling around me.

Because if I had been there at the right time, I... The words formed a lump in my thro

ody or mind, whichever one died first, gave

ce called again wi

ically running towards me. Her worried

walking and w

t up to me, gas

s it?"

piece of paper. She handed it to me with comforting hand

ed. "It was addressed to you so I kept it. I figured you

other side. She was right. It was address

tried to force a smile.

and went

opened the note to read and though the former seemed to

as stronger as I smoothened the p

my own name at the top of the page


e hopes that one day you will re

dead. I do not want you to blame yourself. The fate that

ou, Camille. Something about how y

was there at your birth. While I still swore my oa

time and I was ordered to replace you with another child at the maternity centre and then kill y

power that is both beautiful and dangerous, a power that your maternal bloodline has hel

but I didn't put into considera


ned, but you must find it in your heart to for

lle Gallagher. Even as I and y

life, Cammie. You've been de

h l


er written on the page. Not just because it hurt b

I deserved a b

to keep

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1 Chapter 1 ONE2 Chapter 2 TWO3 Chapter 3 THREE4 Chapter 4 FOUR5 Chapter 5 FIVE6 Chapter 6 SIX7 Chapter 7 SEVEN8 Chapter 8 EIGHT9 Chapter 9 NINE10 Chapter 10 TEN11 Chapter 11 ELEVEN12 Chapter 12 TWELVE13 Chapter 13 THIRTEEN14 Chapter 14 FOURTEEN15 Chapter 15 FIFTEEN16 Chapter 16 SIXTEEN17 Chapter 17 SEVENTEEN18 Chapter 18 EIGHTEEN19 Chapter 19 NINETEEN 20 Chapter 20 TWENTY21 Chapter 21 TWENTY ONE 22 Chapter 22 TWENTY TWO23 Chapter 23 TWENTY THREE24 Chapter 24 TWENTY FOUR25 Chapter 25 TWENTY FIVE26 Chapter 26 TWENTY SIX27 Chapter 27 TWENTY SEVEN28 Chapter 28 TWENTY EIGHT 29 Chapter 29 TWENTY NINE30 Chapter 30 THIRTY31 Chapter 31 THIRTY ONE32 Chapter 32 THIRTY TWO33 Chapter 33 THIRTY THREE34 Chapter 34 THIRTY FOUR35 Chapter 35 THIRTY FIVE36 Chapter 36 THIRTY SIX 37 Chapter 37 THIRTY SEVEN38 Chapter 38 THIRTY EIGHT39 Chapter 39 THIRTY NINE40 Chapter 40 FORTY41 Chapter 41 FORTY ONE 42 Chapter 42 FORTY TWO43 Chapter 43 FORTY THREE44 Chapter 44 FORTY FOUR45 Chapter 45 FORTY FIVE46 Chapter 46 FORTY SIX47 Chapter 47 FORTY SEVEN48 Chapter 48 FORTY EIGHT49 Chapter 49 FORTY NINE50 Chapter 50 FIFTY51 Chapter 51 FIFTY ONE52 Chapter 52 FIFTY TWO53 Chapter 53 FIFTY THREE54 Chapter 54 FIFTY FOUR 55 Chapter 55 FIFTY FIVE56 Chapter 56 FIFTY SIX57 Chapter 57 FIFTY SEVEN58 Chapter 58 FIFTY EIGHT59 Chapter 59 FIFTY NINE60 Chapter 60 SIXTY61 Chapter 61 SIXTY ONE62 Chapter 62 SIXTY TWO63 Chapter 63 SIXTY THREE 64 Chapter 64 SIXTY FOUR65 Chapter 65 SIXTY FIVE (18+)66 Chapter 66 SIXTY SIX67 Chapter 67 SIXTY SEVEN68 Chapter 68 SIXTY EIGHT69 Chapter 69 SIXTY NINE70 Chapter 70 SEVENTY71 Chapter 71 SEVENTY ONE72 Chapter 72 SEVENTY TWO73 Chapter 73 SEVENTY THREE74 Chapter 74 SEVENTY FOUR 75 Chapter 75 SEVENTY FIVE76 Chapter 76 SEVENTY SIX77 Chapter 77 SEVENTY SEVEN78 Chapter 78 SEVENTY EIGHT 79 Chapter 79 SEVENTY NINE80 Chapter 80 EIGHTY 81 Chapter 81 EIGHTY ONE82 Chapter 82 EIGHTY TWO83 Chapter 83 EIGHTY THREE84 Chapter 84 EIGHTY FOUR85 Chapter 85 EIGHTY FIVE86 Chapter 86 EIGHTY SIX87 Chapter 87 EIGHTY SEVEN88 Chapter 88 EIGHTY EIGHT89 Chapter 89 EIGHTY NINE90 Chapter 90 NINETY