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Bound By Pages

Chapter 3 A Fateful Reach

Word Count: 625    |    Released on: 29/02/2024

wrap around the soul like a blanket. Lily positioned a vintage stepladder beside a towering bookshelf, the highest shelves teasing her with the

distant echoes. Her hand stretched towards a leather-bound edition of "Around the World in Eighty Days," her fingertips

gaze found Lily perched among the clouds of stories. He approached with a quiet

was tinted with humour, reverberating softly bet

him. "Just trying to keep the world within reach," she replied, casting him a smile

ength. "Perhaps I can assist in charting the course," he offered, his hand

graphy of tales. The proximity brought a shared warmth, a closeness that

capturing the tome and handing it to Lily. "A classic j

" Lily said with a laugh that held a whisper

n invisible thread weaving their story. The world around them felt vast and yet intimate in that sm

ote in his tone as Lily stretched a bit t

for the unreachable," she admitted, her v

of support. "Then it's good you have someone willing to

reflection of herself but a shared vision of what could be—a journe

inding solid ground once more. But something had shifted—the air between

anticipation of shared discoveries yet to come. And in the silence that settled over "The Wandering Word," the books whis

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