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Fire and Ice the Saga of the Seventh Daughter

Chapter 4 The truth will be known

Word Count: 814    |    Released on: 15/02/2024

and his bright blue eyes flashing with anger as his unruly blonde curls flew in all directions. The father and son stood face to face, mirroring images

ee, her pale skin pinking, and her emerald green eyes filled with annoyance at the disru

Eros returned from a supply trip to the city of Cen with Aire and announced that two nights after the

nd surprise rather than the continual defiant anger of the pa

inding out what had infuriated her brother over

ght her to move while hunting. Lela reached the middle of the

en and crouche

do that fathe

ght to do as I feel.” Expla

to Lela that once Beroc festival is over you

ace son!” Julius g

emerges at the Beroc festival. You can no longer keep the truth from her; she has the right

dy Alesia will come for her and take her to the Gold Tower for training. If not, she is royalty a

proclamation to

reached down, flung her cloak over her, and spr

s back together she was already approaching the bridge over the Green Snake River. Lela reined in the stallion as an immense sense of anger and sadness overtook her and exploded through her. Sud

oached the farmyard where Eros and Julius Hatcher were fighting. Damona Hatcher, the lovely mother of

our daughter since she was only months old, she i

e Beroc Festival. Your mother and I are getting older Eros, it will be your turn to lead

tter is between your father a

from leaving. I shall bring no shame to her or my family; though this will not delay our departure for Cen.

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