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The forgotten daughter

Chapter 3 The revelation

Word Count: 431    |    Released on: 11/02/2024

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the comforts of her new life in the mansion, her thoughts continually drifted back to the family she had left behi

scouring the village for any clue that might lead her to them. With each passing day, her re

in the form of an unexpected encounter. As she wandered through the bustling marketplace, her

ing memories of a time long forgotten. With trembling hands, she approached the old woman,

ing with emotion. "Have you perchance seen a fa

beyond her years. "Aye, child," she replied, her voice like the rustle of au

pulse quickening with a surge of hope. "Where are they, th

s trembling hand in her own. "They dwell in a place far beyond the reaches of mortal

more information, her heart racing with the promise of discovery. And as the old wom

et out on the path that would lead her to the truth—a path fraught with peril

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