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The Lord And His Painter

Chapter 5 To Be safe part 1

Word Count: 902    |    Released on: 06/02/2024

per talking to a doctor maybe a nurse she thought to herself. How could a human be so lucky for a vampire to find her in the mi

Jasper scolded Nicole softly as if it was her fau

and feeling a bandage wrapped around her

eyes as she did the same " My oh my not even a thank you to someone who found you l

raised his hand making sure she didn't speak nor try to interput " Before you go

her eyes tightly before saying "Thank you for your help lo

hing except " I will be taking you home and that is all"

r a human whom he despised made no sense, there's something more to a simple act of kin

iting for her. It was no ordinary carriage but a carriage that was meant for purebloods an

ting crossing from her with his legs crossed looking outside the window not paying her any mind.

window as he said "Did you tell

s, which is Wallux Town the poorest town west of the mainlands. I hope you don't mind heading

f vampire do you think I am? Tell me Is that all you can afford to stay in Wallux? From what I've heard it's slowly falling into ruin it will no longer be safe for you to stay in."

was my whole life in that one bag! Noah injured Calrice and I'm not sure if she's still alive at this point! She was the only family

ooking at him with sadness that filled her eyes. His face was passive as his lip

worry about Noah I will take care of him and make sure Clarice is safe. I've never seen a human cry so loudly I'm starting to get annoyed and stop crying You openin

the coachman jumped up from the seat to his master w

felt her eyes get drowsy slowly closing

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