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Fxxk Me Baby

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1211    |    Released on: 02/02/2024

helpful for now. I said if I was alone, I would have patrolled the house in

need to be covered up when he

said as I walked down the stairs an

," he said with a smil

urday morning?" I asked tr

s I have to make sure are avai

dare" I muttered

e of a teenage girl in an adult body," he sai

ow. You know where everything is

he said, and I smiled before going bac

im around, then sure as hell,

rceive?" I asked, finally refresh

h open because the kitchen area was the least attended portion of m

lace, but then I would clean up the trash

I asked, eyes w

that I took the leverage to ma


h the way he stood there shirt

whore. He is your cousin." I

ondering because this is my last attended

the cobwebs!" he said

d into the bowl of meat that he ha

a meat

nd he just smiled. Aw! that breathtaking sm

ill serve you," he said, and I happily jump

seen. Oh, well, I might be exaggerating but I am no chef to differentiate between what'

ough, I change them every after three months w

to cook?" I asked, the

ut please don't tell my mama, she would whoop my ass so bad," I sa

would you be h

your space that fast?" he asked he didn'

ong your contract was going to last for, you know, mayb

and he

ry, I thought otherwis

said and felt weird using such an endearme

e here for over six months, but during which I would be looking for

when we were kids, and you would tease me heavily about my skirt or how ugly my bra

were super naughty that's why,"

wanting his hands all over my body, a


I had to calm down on the thou

id, bringing me out of my reverie. How dumb of me, I shouldn't have done that eh. I had just gone

g since you've never been here, I could

cobwebs out of my kitchen after what seems to be ages

ll get ready, and we shall leave for the sightseeing. Is that

was indeed my cousin because I felt things one shouldn't feel for their relatives.

ed at how his music was toned. We hadn't seen each other in a long time, probably in years, and

asked and opened

ded to be in his arms right away funny enough, I was not the only one

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