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Luna's Second Chance: Love, Revenge And Lust

Chapter 5 All Is Lost

Word Count: 1539    |    Released on: 27/01/2024



find myself in my room. I stare about a bit confused, before the memories of all t

the pain in the side of my head, and

“I question my wolf as I sit u

but then I remember my father's face as he fell to the

ver create something so gruesome. So evil. My mind would never be

alize all that I've don

n to crumble and crash all around me, as the weight o

bed, and my tears keep

nts' warnings? The realization of everything I had miss

hy. He wanted my crown, but I was too daft to see it. And

I felt out of breath as I pictured what my world was abou

an't b

t barely touching the ground. With each step, the image of my lifeless father haunt

her who was on her bed beside my father, with her tears ming

w. There were doctors in the room trying to stop his bleedin

's… Gone. Alpha Luan has… Passed away. “One of the doctors s

rns back to my father and c

said? “She whispers, and I clasp my

the very core of my being. Guilt, disbel

the doctors tries to ca

creams, and just then, a strangled cry escapes

n she turns to look at me, my heart skips a beat.

t of it while glaring at me with her anguish-drenc

d the words that left her mouth cam

ury. Each syllable was packed full with a pain so deepl

one! “She screamed at me, and I shut my eyes and jum

y ignored the warning of your parents

r is gone! He's dead now, all because you couldn't listen! All because you

uilt and responsibility of this loss! “She screamed, and her words p

t from the crushing weight of my realization. My neglig

ppen, Mom, I…" I choke out amidst my sobs, with

ng what was best. I... “I weep, and I watch my mother

rez was right. You were never ready to be crown

e deceived by a man who only sought to destroy our very existence. And now because of

ld crumbled further and

m sorry. “I begin, but

e says, and time freezes as I stare at her

n shock, but no

epair, and every day I see you, I will be forced to remember that I failed as a mother. So, I never wan

hat howled beyond the castle walls, and I co

now, I'm expelling you from my heart. “She says, and with those final, pie

ove, and now I'm being cast away by

ll, but her next

rouge out of my ch

lk up to me and begin to push me out of the room

. Please! I need you. We need each

, and I watched in disbelief as t

door after letting go of me, to block

to me. Please... We're all we ha

ut me off. I already lost dad... I can't lose you too... You're all I have. Mom please tell th

ards step closer to me warning. Never befo

father is dead. My mate just rejected. My pack and throne is no longer mine. I have

t the doctors leaving the room. I peek into it and I see my m

I have ruined my life,

thing I hold dear is jus

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