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Steal Mr. Vampire Of My Friend

Chapter 9 Met Ex-boyfriend

Word Count: 2173    |    Released on: 25/01/2024

n quickly locked onto a good one. She couldn't wait to cal

me, Helen hurried downs

is room and only saw

ing?" Richard a

espectfully said, "It seems like she m

e in his deep blue eyes. He glanced at the butler,

t assured, I will

sip of his coffee, "Is L

this time, and the doctor has given her medic

hard asked, "What about the people sh

murders in the city, and the cu

Richard, Lydia's value is dwind

ndy, you're not being a

were calm and steady, even when talking abo

greed, she will inevitably cause you trouble in the future.

playfully touched his chin, "N

silently, but ultimately didn't ask further

andlord, telling her that the house had been rented out and she couldn

ouldn't argue with the landlord. She sighed, got out of the car by the

me or the house had already been rented out. Either it was too far from the comp

mp after another lighting up by the roadside. She was afraid to go back, scared to face Richard. B

for a long time before calming down, stood back up, and decided to find a place

omach growled loudly, reminding Helen that she hadn't eaten anything all day. She look

Even at night, there were street vendors and barbecue stalls, offering plenty of delicious food. In the pas

panionship in difficult times, promising to repay her when he became successful in the future. She had believed

indulge herself like this. The boss acknowledged her request and energetically cooked the fried noodles in a hot wok. Flames burne

reet, casually finding a spot by the

hing in the Red Rose Manor. She chuckled and mocked herself for not being able to f


Helen instinctively turned around to

ctly across from her. He looked her up and down, smiling, and

reuniting, completely forgetting ho

there and finally reacted,

said, "It's so good to see you, Helen. You have

Helen, but she stood up in

why did this man appear so sleazy and repulsive

you unhappy to se

hy would I be happy to see you? Have you forg

force a smile, "What are you talking about? I was angry

heat of t

re angry enough, it's justifiable to

eluctantly bit his lip and said, "Helen, I know I was wrong. Pl

a penny less, not a penny more," Helen reached out to demand, regardless of

y is your money, and your money, shouldn't it be mine? Nowadays, it can

n a relationship, why do yo

money recklessly, but when men ask for mon

scals joined in, smok

raightened his back, "Helen, we're famil

o start a business, and failed repeatedly. I tolerated it all. But you squandered all my money, bad-mouthed me everywhere, and finally ran awa

rules, been easily deceived due to her naivety, and had been fooled by this man for e

at her. Women won't understand until you beat them a few times. If you're short on money, take her

red at Helen as if she were

rcely at them an

catch up and entangled her. "Hey, don't go,

ave no shame? Do I need to call the po

n and raised his han

looked up to see a tall and upright man standing in front of her. Thomas ha

Thomas exclaimed, clutch

ng, "Hey, it's quite impoli

nd, what's it to y

face, exuding elegance and gentleness. He sm

nymore. He owes me a large s

willingly spent that money on me," Tho

ory turn into such a sleazy and filthy person? He exuded a c

or you, beautiful lady?" the man ask

he past, I was blind. I'll consider the past eight years of youth and the money you owe me as feed

elen lost her appetite. However, she was ext

for you just now, I would have

. They had foul mouths, accusing Helen of not being faithful, and having an

y. This man had a clean scent and was wearing a designer suits. No matter how she looke

f you're grateful to me, wh

t him to say that. It was different

arrived here and accidentally dropped my wallet in the car. Now I have no

nd a faint dimple appeared on her face. "Sur

well repay him for his kindness. Not owi

in thought for a moment, and said


if practicing, but his deep and pleasa

, in the face of Ulysses, did she feel less restrained and less acc

e hotel. The driver glanced at Helen and then at Ulysses,

iedly explained, "Sir, you've

er glanced at Ulysses, his smile tu

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