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Sudgated by the mafia

Chapter 2 Rose

Word Count: 1423    |    Released on: 13/01/2024


an intense feel

if a dazed feeling had shaken me completely, and f

rms tightly as I did so. That made me open my eyes quickly. It was in that instant that I realized that I was in a

t shi

? I though

lation, only a small bathroom that seemed to have seen better days, and a door that turned out to be

ed." I mumbled

l, all for tryin

help shed

hand as well as a large plastic box. She was dressed like she was


ght so I can fix you up," she said in a serious tone, and I shook my h

this to me? Help

d before

ose, but I ca


to manipulate me," she excused herself before lifting her shoulders. “I

e against my will," I spat painfully. “What do you want

s mine and my family's," he said seriously. “The people who have you trapped here are bad;


urly man with a scar on his face came

confirmed that she is a virgin, so

nd the man stood

you talk

lease you to wear what's in the bag, but if you do anything st

my chains while I coul

his to me?” I aske

she replied as she finished unchaining me. “If you are submissive, you will make it out

white babydoll that left nothing to the imagination, one that made me

et you f

ment with the man with the scar, like a vigilante on the prowl. It was disgusting, and just as I

nature wavy blonde hair, and having the audacity to put make-up on

d been taken

the guard grabbed my arm and dra

I would have taken you to m

st just list

that I was afraid to drink. The guardian got rough and made me swall

rt again, I'll cut

an. Then there was laughter in the background, and he took me

e had something in it to make me like that, but the bunch of spot

ant, the whi

the microphone. “Today we have for you an

not help but tremble with panic when she realize

uld want; she is beautiful and will be easy to ta

to the point that I brought




ous I couldn't help but cry, which see

epest recesses of my being, urged me to stand up straight to try to show some res

fully at them, though the truth was that


n around me. I just mentally repeated to myself that I had to w


another voice. “This wom

en mil

een mi

ike she just wants to bite her master," said a

oddess, so I bid

red light be

om the VIP room,"


s most seemed to have recognized the voice, and I

no one wan

e lord of t

omments; I only registered what seemed to be what the

sn't until the man with the scar grabbed my arm to pull

lords in the region; if you don't want to die, do what

is words, words that instilled

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