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The Vampire King's Feeder

Chapter 2 Take My Daughter

Word Count: 2021    |    Released on: 05/01/2024


ughter… to

constricted, I can hardly breathe, let alone speak. I can’t believe the words that h

these years?” He is standing on a dais, but as he speaks, he descends one step. He’s still a good ten feet away from us and probably three feet taller than my father in this

startled gasp from either Darius behind me or his mother, Margaret, or maybe both of them. I still don’t know what to say. All I can think is that I’m missing som

meant to be the next Alpha, after all. It doesn’t matter that I am female. My father has

slender fingers stroke his cheek in contemplation. “Explain to me how your daughter, whichever

father has to be referring to me. I am the only woman here who is young enough to be his daughter, other than Lola, and she’s just a child. None

an to stay here and become a feeder for the Vampire King? I can’t even let my mind ponde

icates that he isn’t particularly pleased with this plan, but the betrayal

o many things. Special memories stick out to me—the first time he gave me a ride on his wolf’s back through the fores

to this monster, our enemy. He may look like the perfect man, with his handsom

e hell is

feeder for you. She comes from good stock, obviously, since I am her father. She’s intelligent

as going to say. I have to swallow back my own

r and I have always been close. Just like my father, I have learned so much from her. She taught me how to be a lady, how to

yed she’d felt that my father could do that to her, have a child with another woman, a

hat some might think it an honor to be priced at such a rate. I can’t imagine selling my child. I look down at Lola, the closest

ng. She knows we are about to be torn away from one another, and then

t find the will to look at him right now. Will he speak up for me?

the same hint of a smile our mother wears. So he is hap

and drops down into it. The men on either side of it adjust their postures slightly. My eyes flicker to them, bu

ough. I’m staring at him because I’m awaiting his verdict. Clearly

just shipped out our stock piles of natural resources to you. As it is, we may not make it through the winter. We have nothing left to trade or sell….

I loaned you ten million drakes you would be able to use that money to conquer the packs around you, in which case you would easily pay me back twenty million? I told you then I didn’t think it was a good idea,

her wasn’t able to repay a debt? I do remember, vaguely, the wars with the other packs from when I was a little girl,

ickly becoming a

floor, sobbing. “I cannot blame your anger, Sir. I cannot. I meant to make a n

you still refused to give me even that, so I had to take your eastern lands as payment. I know you lost tens of thousands of warriors in the battle, but it wasn

nd I suppose it might be a funny remark for a vampire who would l

is laughing, l

ours, that they even wanted us to feed on. Unlike humans, feeding on wolf shifters doesn’t run the risk of creating another vampire, something it is my understanding is against the law for their

e can

owned upon. Most of them prefer our blood or human blood to animals, so it is easier to simply keep a supply of wolf shifters on hand to feed from. Hu

ning poison to prevent themselves from being ca

pire King refuses my father’s offer, but I

Kane to take me, that I am worth that amount of money, that I will somehow make it worth hi

iful she is?” He turns and beckons in my direction, but hi

ng. Come and meet

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