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Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 2134    |    Released on: 02/01/2024


as still touching his hair hoping he wake up soon until suddenly Noah moved his head. Birdie immediately removed her hand from his

are you doing h

for two seconds b

worried,I tried to help but then you fell on me,I swear I tried to move away but you as

hed his head and

okay?" Bi

ng,I will take you home" He muttered

y to get medicine for

next time" Noah muttered and almost started the car w

sweating" Birdie defe

isn't your first time feeling my chest,are you obsessed wi

....." She

he had her lips in her mouth and she w

way?" He threw the quest


to lie" N

eteen" Bird

spect people older than you,you should focus on your studie

n school"

or what? You didn't pass the Exam?

or that" Birdie said a

p? What about

grandma" Bi

driving,they arrived at the nearest


membered she mentioned that in the morning b

an Anaconda whenever you're angr

!" Noah yelled bu

't want anyone recognizing him in such area. He waited in the car a

home since it's my fau


ah scoffed and Birdie came in,she closed the



ed the car right in front of the buil

" She stopped w

him Anaconda again

ed and got down from the car,s

r" Noah shook his he

o one in particular,she was watching

her night face care when suddenly the door opened,revealing a happy

n?" She asked a

me home" S


me home in his car!!" Bird

s craz


if he's sick" Bir

and turned bac

lucky Bambi

child" Bir

y smirked and

" She stood up a

irdie muttered and w



have lunc

aid on

,see yo

ropped his phone,Vivian mov

ess or meeting do I h


the tie then

ie,Noah undo the first two buttons an

waiting for?

took the mug,she returned to Noah and he on

e commercial be out?" Noah aske

aking sure she drank from the same spot Noah did,

e 10am but we changed


magazines?" He q

ut next week"


oor for him and he entered,Vivian joined

night,when it was rainy" Vi

thing and sh

weren't home,I called you count

re you?"

me when it started

d me at least,I'm sure

t I'm fine no

ital? You didn't take your pil

e" Noah mumbled and

bia,that's Axel and Vivian,No othe

miracle?' Vivian tho



been working all day and very tired. She made way out of the restaurant to dispose the bottl

er so she would balance,Birdie looked up to

ed inwardly and immedi

okay?" Wa

reamed when she couldn'

asked and she n

eing a fan" W

Birdie said and

My g

ylon or is i

nue screaming,Way

aurant! We have a special s

d the regular o

more customer from co

" Waylon said

before she could move,two of the wait

d" Birdie muttered,

luential people,tha

ar" Axel said as Noah wa

He fac

wanted to try their meals,let's go" Axel sm

or you're dead"

t,stop that threat" Axel

rd me" Axel

him off an

compound,some minutes later,they arr



ut and Noah almost turned b

Axel whispered when Noah didn

range smile that al

come with me" the waitress s

elieve her eyes as she

today,we are not letting anyone i

Take the order" He ordered and B

down and Axel's ey

e said to Noah bu

not curious about this restauran

eady operating on his phone,he didn't

please place your or

hem and that was when Noah looked up,his eyes me

hing" Noah

" Axel

he finished serving Noah and Axel,she s

d unnecessarily

l? You know he

" Noah m


ld,stop that

now I love sexy àss,but she looks young,it's gon

thing sir?" Bird

me" Wayl

e" She

Waylon said an

milk for my

puppy?" Bi

t actually" W

nstead then,it's more healthy than

them before buying one" Way

where you can

ve th

ppy one day,I love do

" Waylon said and



o stay and finish up some work before goi

d and Vivian entered wh

want to be distu

insisted on seeing you" Vivian said and imm

He muttered ben

urprise look but Noah didn't see that. Vivia

here this tim

two bottles of strawberry milk o

ng me home last

as a pay back fo

payback also"

k again" She added with

this is a bribe" he sa

do you

ight again" Birdi

hat child's play now as


e it's late" Noah said and B

led and slowly walke

heartless" Birdie muttered as

topped beside he

lon smile


ylon immedi

rdie called

e milk ,wanna come a

irdie asked

e afterward,promise" Wayl

made a move when another car parked,sh

He said coldly and Birdie blind

ked at

ting for?" He ask

you coming or not

ecame sp

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