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My Baby's Daddy Is An Ex-convict

Chapter 59 Clash of Defiance: A Confrontation Unfolds at the Restaurant

Word Count: 768    |    Released on: 05/01/2024

everin grabbed his arm. Severin's grasp was like a pair of iron clamps,

th the entire situation, but the man did not

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1 Chapter 1 Redemption's Return: Severin's Homecoming2 Chapter 2 Broken Promises and Redemption3 Chapter 3 Confrontation and Resolve: Reclaiming What's Lost4 Chapter 4 Homecoming and Resolutions5 Chapter 5 The Unexpected Support6 Chapter 6 Unexpected Help and Healing Hands7 Chapter 7 The Reclusive Savant: A Miraculous Encounter8 Chapter 8 Unexpected Fortune and Unforeseen Consequences9 Chapter 9 Revelations and Realizations10 Chapter 10 Unveiling Shadows of the Past11 Chapter 11 Fragments of Success and Resentment12 Chapter 12 The Uninvited Guest13 Chapter 13 Unleashed Fury: A Wedding Showdown14 Chapter 14 Clash of Vows: Unraveling Vendettas15 Chapter 15 Unveiling Shadows: Past, Prejudice, and Unexpected Truths16 Chapter 16 Redemption Amidst Fragments: Selene's Hope17 Chapter 17 Guardian of Love and Resolve18 Chapter 18 Bloodlines and Ultimatums19 Chapter 19 Unforeseen Encounters: The Shanahans' Arrival20 Chapter 20 The Shanahan Family Dilemma21 Chapter 21 Familial Strife and Unyielding Resolve22 Chapter 22 The Unlikely Alliance23 Chapter 23 The Unforeseen Clash: A Tumultuous Standoff24 Chapter 24 The Draco Hall Confrontation25 Chapter 25 Blade's Offer and Severin's Defiance26 Chapter 26 Clash of Wills: Severin's Defiance and Blade's Surprise27 Chapter 27 Unexpected Alliances: The Dracodeus Ring's Revelation28 Chapter 28 Unexpected Alliances and Unraveling Vendettas29 Chapter 29 Unforeseen Rejection: A Social Dilemma Unfolds30 Chapter 30 Reconciliation and Responsibilities: Embracing Fatherhood31 Chapter 31 The Unexpected Reunion: A New Beginning32 Chapter 32 The Unforeseen Generosity: A New Chapter Begins33 Chapter 33 Unexpected Bonds: A Cake, a Key, and a Debt of Gratitude34 Chapter 34 Family's Diverging Paths: Contemplations and Confrontations35 Chapter 35 Family's Ambitions Unveiled: Entwined Fates and Hidden Agendas36 Chapter 36 Entangled Intentions: Family Strategies Unveiled37 Chapter 37 The Unexpected Estate: Navigating Fortunes and Troubles38 Chapter 38 The Rekindled Journey: From Adversity to New Beginnings39 Chapter 39 The Unlikely Patron: A Tale of Fashion and Fortune40 Chapter 40 Fortunes and Fashion: A Fateful Encounter41 Chapter 41 The Clash of Status: A Duel of Hearts42 Chapter 42 Clash of Fates: Unveiling Ties and Secrets43 Chapter 43 Strength in Love: Unexpected Confrontations and Family Bonds44 Chapter 44 Unexpected Generosity: A Day of Surprises and Splurges45 Chapter 45 The Splurge and the Car Dream: Unexpected Wealth and Future Goals46 Chapter 46 Unplanned Meeting47 Chapter 47 Unexpected Return 48 Chapter 48 Embarrassing New Beginning49 Chapter 49 Unforeseen Fortune, Love, and Promises for a New Beginning50 Chapter 50 Unexpected Wealth: The Astonishing Transition and New Beginnings51 Chapter 51 The Unbelievable Villa: A Tale of Unexpected Ownership52 Chapter 52 The Key to the Unseen Villa: An Unexpected Encounter53 Chapter 53 The Unseen Villa: Truth Unveiled54 Chapter 54 The Enigma of Villa: Fortunes and Foes55 Chapter 55 The Unexpected Villa: Embracing Fortunes56 Chapter 56 The Dracodeus Ring: Revelation and Power57 Chapter 57 A Dinner Out: Perspectives on Wealth and Generosity58 Chapter 58 Encounter at the Restaurant: Clashing Attitudes on Affluence59 Chapter 59 Clash of Defiance: A Confrontation Unfolds at the Restaurant60 Chapter 60 Unforeseen Showdown: Resilience and Repercussions at the Restaurant a61 Chapter 61 Twist of Fortune 62 Chapter 62 Power Dynamics Unveiled: The Unpredictable Encounter at the Restaurant63 Chapter 63 Restaurant Confrontation: Unveiling Tensions and Unexpected Plans64 Chapter 64 Entangled Fate65 Chapter 65 Secrets At The Table66 Chapter 66 Deceptive Dining: The Restaurant Scam67 Chapter 67 Showdown at the Restaurant: Unveiling Deception and Confronting Thugs68 Chapter 68 Confrontation: The Restaurant's Ultimatum69 Chapter 69 Undercover Intrigue: Diane's Encounter at the Restaurant70 Chapter 70 Sinister Intentions: The Trap Unfolds71 Chapter 71 Desperate Stand: Defiance in the Face of Threats72 Chapter 72 Rescue and Retribution: Severin's Stand73 Chapter 73 The Reckoning: Unveiling Deception74 Chapter 74 Unveiling Power Dynamics: Severin's Defiant Stand75 Chapter 75 Tensions Unveiled: Clash of Dominance76 Chapter 76 Clash of Factions77 Chapter 77 Shifting Alliances and Intriguing Alliances Unveiled78 Chapter 78 Blade's Favor and Draco Hall's Invitation79 Chapter 79 Fatherly Care and Unspoken Tensions80 Chapter 80 Unexpected Healing and Unspoken Vows81 Chapter 81 Broken Promises and Tarnished Desires82 Chapter 82 Denied Entry and Seething Resentment83 Chapter 83 The Unexpected Supreme Leader84 Chapter 84 The Unforeseen Inheritance85 Chapter 85 Bitter Brew: Family Dynamics Unveiled86 Chapter 86 Family Reckoning: Unveiling Deep Divides87 Chapter 87 Family Reunion: Bonds, Decisions, and Unexpected Paths88 Chapter 88 A Defiant Stand and Unexpected Declarations89 Chapter 89 The Bluffing Bet: A Son-in-Law's Challenge90 Chapter 90 Unveiling Betrayal: Diane's Heartbreak91 Chapter 91 The Balancing Act of Trust92 Chapter 92 A Secret Transaction and Family Outing93 Chapter 93 Fortunes Unveiled: A Day at the Amusement Park94 Chapter 94 The Unraveling Bets: A House in the Balance95 Chapter 95 The Intricate Ties: Villa Secrets and Business Ambitions96 Chapter 96 Family Dilemmas: Dowries, Villas, and Unraveling Plans97 Chapter 97 A Dark Incident Unveiled: Seeking Justice and Fateful Reckonings98 Chapter 98 The Unraveling Web: Vengeance, Villas, and Hidden Agendas99 Chapter 99 A Vengeful Plot: Schemes, Retribution, and Unexpected Allies100 Chapter 100 Villa Confrontation: Unveiling Strength and Threats