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Cosmic Kiss

Chapter 3 The Resurrection of Lael Jones

Word Count: 780    |    Released on: 25/12/2023

landed on a serene monastery farm in eastern China. The tranquil beauty of the countryside, with its lush fi

sm and Daoism, were engrossed in their daily training and meditation. Among them, Master Quin Dao, the leader of the group, stood out. A great Taoist cultivator of the

ounds. Startled by the cosmic disturbance, Master Quin Dao commanded his fellow masters to follow him.

ide. The grandmasters carefully examined the peculiar object, using their cultivated insights to determine i

they placed the young man on a bed, his breathing faint, and his heartbeat barely discernible. It was a baffling sight to the grandmast

attempted to revive him, applying their healing techniques, but it became apparent that the youn

especially given the circumstances of his arrival. In a hushed tone, he addressed his fellow grandmasters, "Brothers, we are growing old, and our sect is slowly dw

no family or ties to any social group. He is a clean slate, and I believe we have been presented with

in seven thousand years, and its very existence was shrouded in mystery. It was rumored to involve invoking the spirits of the three pur

le of Yuanshu Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun, the three pure gods of Taoism. He

they also understood that their legacy was at stake, and the fate of their ancient order hung in the balance. Reluc

nts. The ritual was to take place in the sacred upper chamber of the Jade Monastery, a place imbued with centuries of

ysterious life that lay ahead for both the young man and their monastery. The cosmos held its breath, as the

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