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Rich Garbage Collector

Chapter 4 The Ring

Word Count: 598    |    Released on: 03/11/2023

ted the sweeper's forthcoming revelation. The sense of anticipation coiled with

igmatic expression. "Well, let's see. I might be able to offer my assistance,

st everything, and now, the concept of favorability held little significance. Wi

wards the scattered pap

s pile of money?” His gaze fixated on the perplexing pile

efer to this as money, but here in heaven, it's con

he possessed such riches, his family could escape suffering and lead

t? When we attempted to incinerate these mounds of waste, the black smoke only accumulated in the heavens, where it h

d the celestial oddity. "What about the gods

his predicament. However, we, the sweepers, are different. Anyway, returning to our pre

ung to a glimmer of hope. "I'm willing to

re your lifespan. However, I possess something that can grant you a new lease on life." With a f

uch like any other ring he had encountered. Doubt and curios

eased cleaning long ago, it serves no purpose for us. Its effects on a human are u

ursed through him. His eyes rolled upward, and his body convulsed, causing him to collapse to the ground. Anxious thoughts raced through his mind

uldn't help but wonder if this mysterious ring would truly be his salv

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