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Word Count: 1439    |    Released on: 09/10/2023

nd that went around the room where he was? He couldn't tell. All he knew was that he was alive and felt much better than he did before. He moved his hands and tried his legs. They were just

as tha

It had been her voice all the while. She had her b

d it is almost impossible for

ge of professionalism and a sweet touch to it, almost like she was once a singer. His eyes ran through her blonde

this dating app. I don't see why

was that type of young lady who's been through so many failed relationships. Ju

friends… keep chatting… that'll do. Thanks…" It felt like Santos on the other end still had s

m. Now that was one hell of a beautiful face…. Her blue ocean eyes… Her red lips… Her pointy nose… Justin found himself s

re aw

castically. "Real

n't a q

sn't an

interfering in peo

ng personal phone call

side stools and crushing the young man's head with

my fault.

ld swear h

logize. Haven't really been the be

evident she had switche

nk you. You seem j

be after such

this patient was feeling chatty. It was best to keep h

't a good enough liar. He had basically lied his way through the police, an angry mob, and many other gangsters. He lied to live, but

is a long story, one we can

onfidence this man had to think he'd m

s your

y further, the door came open and James



knew just then that she had to excuse t

e so close… this

not today,


Don Miller was not just anyone, but was in fact, the second master that ran the underground mafia o

, young man." He replied wi

when we were going to

e paused. "...but they were so close indeed. The stunt Murray is playing with these men is one I find difficult to un

eady!" Jam

his your entire life but there are certain stunts he dar

eed to confr

at, Don Miller exited the room. Both men s

He muttered with sudden re

til beyond

oped him in


going to be

h glasses of beer and bottles of champagne. These were not just two young men, but they were two young

y. All through from the beginning, both men had operated as lords of the underground gang, growing the group with the goal of becoming international merchandise. Their history is traced as far back as their teenage years in the mafia world and how they strived to become what they are today. Now in the present, Miller owned one of the biggest casinos in th

s nothing to show such. They were both huge, strong, and vibrant men, s

f Murray now as he stared

y spoke for the first time,

beyond!" Both

you jumped in for James. What great things you are capable of. I am proud of you

rcle!" Just

in moved into the dark room and swore he overheard Miller and Murray talking. It wasn't right to eavesdrop but he couldn't h

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