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Loving Mrs. Regina

Chapter 2 Loneliness

Word Count: 1390    |    Released on: 08/03/2024

rson's N

The only sounds he can hear are the gently buzzing of the house Appliances ar

s in the room and sleep and fatigue are beginning to welcome him

from the TV pulls Grey back to sleep, but suddenly,

he sits up and turns around, his eyss land on friend l

ies, and Grey can see the hunger in h

s his face as he stares at the beautiful y

of the sofa. Allowing her full breasts to fall over

normal boring type where we'd be home alone and I'd let you sleep on the couch in the living roo

ping. "He replies, and M

rumptious meal that has been sitting pr

s and Grey leans back as he stares

notes, and she chuckles as she leans closer to him

a boring past couple of days for me. Come spice it up. Fuck me. "She whispers into Greys ear before stan

hrowing a party at his place and he didn't want to be there. He wasn't really a people pe

hey've had a rather intriguing relationship. Friendship that ma

n or asked any girl out. Whenever such topic came up, he bashed it because he only had ey

tions gave Grey the title of fuck boy and other

ver to Megan's room. Stepping into the dark room, he pulled off


rson's N

partment. The weight of the day seemed to be resti

, and although she just got home, h

about in heels, and all she wanted at t

red to herself as she kicked off her heels, and she sighed in satisfaction

Her steps were silent and sluggish. Anyone could easily hear the ex

and pulled out a small bottle of yogurt. It was a ritual for her. Yogurt, ice cream and other dairy products

screen and her heart sank as her eyes ran over the message. It was yet again, another bland reply from her husban

nd had spoken honestly, and h

Regina. If you're out of money, I'd send you some s

hit her hard and she felt tears well up in her eyes. His

r best, but her husband wasn't reciprocating the effort. And it only made her wonder if ma

er phone into her pocket and push

her heart broke afresh when she stared at the picture of she and her

mix of exhaustion and resignation. The weight of her dying ma

hand and then she walked into the bathroom

mbrace of the water and slowly but surely,

es, Regina's mind wandered to the early days of her mar

tarlit, cloudy and rainy skies. But somewhere along the journey, their p

e exact moment when everything began to fall apart. Was it the long hours spent

oneliness like she's never felt was all that was around her. It's whisp

hurt. It made her wonder if she would ever be happy a

forget All her hurt, she commands her phone to place a call thro

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