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My Mother's Debtor. ( Being His Collateral)

Chapter 5 My Pregnancy

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 29/09/2023

... Because it seems like she gonna slee

he moment she's done with the drip,,,,she will be discharged... But reme

Ronald uttered..before I he

d which was beside him a

d have use protecti

,,,what does he mea

ecoming so soft and

and ask him what I'm doin

nny" I cal

e doctor said that you will sleep t

a glass of water that was

hand the glas

ater at a go, before han

the word "

"...he managed to ask af

me...I hate the smell of hospitals.

for your discharge".. he stood

their anything wron

d stare at m

f,,,I will be back in a jiffy"he


are around feel

m my hands and made to

ssed" I

outh as I stagger

ight pain struck my abd

he toilet,,my han

enly bumped

aren't stable yet...and you might also hurt your ba

.I asked unb

like I have grow

you yet that you are pregna


... pregn

at have I gotte

aby inside


sciously rub o

,,and I already have

e been Ronald'

l surely be disapp

tummy with a

how God des

e nurse broke me o

u alrig

y hand and wave at

" I uttered dryly an

ard room after noting so

ck on the h

be a mam

s going on in R

e doctor stepped

s not wit

began leading me o

ealth of your baby....I know you're too small for this,, but all I have to say is...early birth is the best... just be safe with your baby...and ,, your baby daddy is waiting outside

eted before walkin

d down a bit as

k,I was sp

now how to exp

as just expre

or me,and I slid in next

round his car before and en

d to live before

house was a ver

type of silent do

him,,, but I can't bring

t together,,,not after greet

ybe Ronald is plann

ld it anymore,I de

if it's because of th

ed my word w

e'd gonna loose me a

ouch my should

is cr

right" I asked fe

re slowly disen

tears still st


ome a father soon..I ...I...I just don't wanna ta

hen tears drop

e..he accepte

nd as I stare at h

.."Just forget about it" he heaved a breath and peck my lips.. "I Will be o

he le

nfession... maybe it's

y he's lik

my baby...an

e he will stil

ymore.. I don't care about t

ud to be a y

me just like he accepted our baby"

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