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The Actor's Contract

Chapter 2 First meeting

Word Count: 2163    |    Released on: 14/10/2023

= 18

rancisco (Enr


ribing his mother’s murder that migh

tting up from the brown leather sofa. The large windows overlook the ocean, but I don’t even take

! Th

rd enough to break it, just a motion to try and calm my

for too long – women are just too complicated and irrational. I would even go as far as saying that they are irr

ace where no female even stepped over the threshold – except for Mel a

fucked-up idea – I’m helping a little girl to get better and

as my image forever - an image I’ve been creating for years. Can I really

adly damaged. Seeing your mother’s mutilated body would scar any normal kid and, like millions of time


, laughing and joking like usual

ps. “Mom’s car is here and we’re already

get some food, thinking mom would be at the tennis club ti

rushed past him, trying to get to my room before mom can appear from wherever. But then Jackson froze right in front of me and

llow container to empty his stomach contents into it. Ilkay’s hand came to rest on my shoulder, while Logan grabbed my arm but neither of them seemed to ev

ep, it looked exactly like that. Furniture was strewn around, broken glass everywhere, and a few dark re

ped into one of the wine-red puddles. He sat on the floor, re

ut, but I followed him with Jackson. Logan grabbed onto our pale sister while I tread on the heels of my olde

sprayed with blood, the color ranging between crimson and burgundy. A metallic stench mixed with the smell of mom’s bolognese sauce, which was spilled all ove

re they settled on the huge thick pool of blood. My mother’s naked pale-yell

forward onto my knees while biting my fist.

ent we had just that morning. She grounded us and the

ast words to me – words th

ckily hiding most of her body from my view – I can’t face her. His socks were drenched in her blood, bu

nd the stains were shouting out regret, to remind me that all of this was my fault. I’m the one that suggested we snea

arm and lead us outside whe

an asked, but I co

a wall. I haven’t seen our husky’s body. Luckily I didn’t. Poor Dobby must have trie

t getting hold of our father, Ilkay phoned Uncle John and h


years. Dreams about mom (sometimes she blames me, sometimes she begs me to sav

fake life. I’ve been playing my part so well that not even my family truly knows the real me anymore. I’m not even sure I myse

ith my hand. Now is not the time to dwell on this, I have to figu

iding behind as not to face my fears. I’ve deeply buried my heart and feelings and poured concrete over it,

through my actions that I don’t have a heart, that I don’

act in love. So I’m scared that people are going to start digging where they’re not supposed to and I can’t have that. And is it ev

just with a capital T – all CAPITAL letters. Not only was she probably the most be

ed to her at all and that was one of the reasons I was prepared to offer her the contract. And here she shows up, looking like a freaking dainty fairy in probably the sexi

. I mean, I should fix it in my mind, don’t

ghosts through me, leaving a little drop of warmth behind in my chest. I sneak towards the half-open door like a thief in the nigh

me of soft pinks and greens - pink being Leyla’s favorite color. Mel painted a huge mural of a realistic fairy-tale forest scene, complete

is in fact talking to me. She points at the built-in flatscreen where a green cha

ckburn,” she gives me a little smile and I

been crying a LOT.” For some reason, I

y attention and Leyla’s concen

the horse’s expressions are just hilarious. Leyla

I say, feeling awkwa

t me poutin

imus. He’s like you - acts tough,

hair in super-short red pants and a black t-shirt and I’ve never seen anything so sexy in my life. Scratch the pre

ot to grab her to get a little taste of that perfect

gly, oblivious of my inappropriate thought

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