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Shadows_ of_Deceit

Chapter 5 Echoes of the Past

Word Count: 425    |    Released on: 19/09/2023

, they uncovered a trail of corruption that led them back to Victor Harlow's past. Victor had once been entangled with a

information that could cripple the organization once and for all. However, Victor was he

er the syndicate's hold on the city was to expose its leaders and bring them to justice. Victor agreed to share

a trail of coded messages, clandestine meetings, and hidden bank accounts. With Isabella's expe

t their lives escalated, and they found themselves in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. It became clear

hind the syndicate, revealing their identities and providing irrefutable evidence of their crimes to t

uption. Victor Harlow, despite his dark past, had played a crucial role in bringing th

carrying scars from the battles they had fought. They knew that the shadows of the past would always

aving behind a city forever changed and a trio of unlikely

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