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The Twins Of Baby

Chapter 3 big house

Word Count: 1749    |    Released on: 29/08/2023



tuck and dirk immediate

case I left


ly frowned because it was cluttere

k" I

no respect fo

my son's is still i

ipes it handed me and immediately cleaned i

spered before thro

ide so I just sat

osed my eyes but immediately realize

" I as

me" he said whi

way, what d

similarity of our eyebrows and

ed and just clo

my phone suddenly

hile still closing my eyes a

ect the payment" he

s m

is in my suitcase that

immediately nodded my

okay?" Di

d pinched i

olded me before

ecause he doesn't want to b

ly blew the whistle so I imme

s who now easily opened the big gate while

e village the houses

it's my first time

ere ani

we stopped at a big mansion so I wa

o walked to the doo

s me so I immediately faced him a

r was behind me it was snowing ”I r

ped on the door so

ly and immediately

be the nanny

en he saw a man turned blac

ke I'm

response and imme

to me so I wrinkled my forehead s

here?" isaac aske

dson Isaac" he smile

I'm really

ow you" the m

guy who visited d

ce and I'm new to Manila, so how di


ful so I seem to have mi


iha?" he aske

r not?" i


at" I sai

HAHAHA" he said and imm

immediately sat down on the so

isaac replied angrily and

father and laughe

is also a

andson goo

while his fath

igh eyebr

in province?" high ey

" I r

good person?" this

a better person than

its ann

groaned and immediate

m your boss" was his au

said sparing

your attitude" an


I said so he pointed

y patience, woman?

e" I

its an

r sons are still innocent

this is my son

I just

woman" he ord

es me

long boss" I said as I stared

idding?" unbelie

and dirk turned to face me and hugged

d and immediately ran towa

shout in a

e and immediately s

llan" h

ce fvcker" isaa

boy" sa

ems to b

ou?" he asked me and

ad and immediately p

e gonzal

e last name that m

d to Isaac and immedi

at what


ur a $$"

vck my a $$?” its


self id10t

he said passionate

fvck up?" rebuke of

he?" alla

ysitter of my

sitter?" its a shoc


you immediately imitate your father who is

you talking fvckers


gay?" I a

not!" it sh

irritating. D $ mn it" I said a


ed with my na

is angry, look at his face, he's

m?" I asked and

m" smiled

an eyeb

g seriously

t to


I heard a wo

y assistant approa

t fish?" he

l in her room" he s

d and immediate

n again?" its q

of his sons manang"

because all the women he brings

aid and stood up w

me" repl

ut that fvcking mouth of yours" I said angrily a

o the room to get dressed before they too

he middle of it, bec

hen I was at th

no cl

I shouted angr

shout at me!" also isaac's a

r to the door and imme

up?" annoye

oom with the twins"

know where the way

d around and immediately walke

g room, I am immediate

u doing dark ?!” isaa

were already bathed in flour and ch

its start

ed the two so dark quic

y looked at the two who now

them so dark immedi

ne who should clean that sh

ve work?

e" he ordered me angrily s

in the dark before putting it down first

id authoritatively to da


manang" I tu

it said


ed here?" manong asked

o bowe

scratched my neck and immediate

care of it" he

dark's hand before turni

here inamarie"


boss" I said and imme

ng peo


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