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Chapter 5 <<<Officer Brent>>>

Word Count: 1073    |    Released on: 26/08/2023

city. The reports were eerily similar to the attacks he had encountered during his investigation of Keith's case. Determined to uncover the truth and possibly find a way to stop these monstrous

e city. It was the biggest home of knowledge in New York and housed history of the old and new within its four walls. The ha

as he walked through the halls. He saw a white desk with a woman seated. She looked like someone in charge so

politely. "Who is in charge here? I'm looking

end. She handed him a stack of books and journals, cautioning him to handle them w

settled into a quiet c

he first book. Ancient tales of werewolves and lycanthropy filled the pages, re

that seemed to discuss the sightings of the man-like wolf creature he was investigating. Exci

with the creature. Descriptions of vicious attacks, with strange bi

haunting screams and howls that ha

bbling down notes on a notepad. The puzzle pieces were slowly coming

imilarities in the creature's b

ft voice interrupted his thoughts. "Intere

t to him. Her dark hair cascaded over her sh

een reading about werewolves," she c

ual cases," Brent replied, intrig

attack? You think it's a wer

s a fresh case and we are trying to figure out what

e killings have been random these days. I mean just a few days, a seni

Officer. I'm Dr. Emily Adams. I specialize in fol

ly. "I'm Officer Brent. Any h

erewolf legends and historical accounts of similar creatures. Brent shared his fin

eyes narrowing in contemplation. "The werewolf myth spans across diff

werewolf here?" Officer Brent asked,

ealized that there are demons and monsters amongst us. There have been some killings in some years

to revisit those cases. You might

s. "You may be right," he said. "I'll go back and rev

d attacks were dating back at least five years. Victims had been mauled in the woods, their remains too

y gruesome scene where a teenage girl had been found torn to pieces. Her parents swore she had

d photos from the case. The savagery of the attack was unlike

cks, and location. After a while, he noticed a pattern. All of the attacks occurred within two w

d aloud, slamming his fist on the desk

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