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Trapped Woman

Chapter 2 Imprisoned

Word Count: 3033    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


lent treatment for half a month, and you

. His long eyelashes cast a shadow under hi

didn't you tell me earlier that you liked me? Why d

I found that his eyes were red and tear

he was. He must have crazy idea

ice, "Because I saw you with

econds to realize who O

y Turner, my

been with Timothy for three years, a

of graduation. At that time, we were busy with our own business, and it was real

for five minutes and said in a hoarse voice, "Fiona, I o

g on Auburn Street. It was from a luxury brand and cost more th

der and said, "No, thanks. Ju

hree years later, he contacted me as soon as he came back, s

, so I had to go out

tically and said, "The dress you mentioned was from the spring collect

, I shrugged and said to Timo

and didn't notice the

close to me. His burning breath covered my face and

that I felt a little pain. "Fi

aying, "Why would I miss him

urmured and suddenly

d he suddenly kissed my lips.

eak free for a while. I could only force words out of my mo

this before

arm on my waist and fastened it.

How abou


it anymore and

r immediately bent down in pain but th

said just now, I fe

nd reached out to touch Ol

ter you went abroad, I thought you would never come back. And I w

he looked at me again, he deliberately hi


at Oliver was not a kind and warm person i

d in a hoarse voice, "Fiona, you promised m

raduate year of high school, I went to the airport to see Oliver

abroad like he was escaping fro

"wait for me", I just th


l, you liked Helen Rogers, didn't yo

ence, Oliver asked,

pretending to

it with him, so I changed th

iona, I can't give it to you. What

kidding, but I didn't

that I received a bonus last week. I have planned to buy the 14,000

liver nodded an

rned aroun

ted my eyes and saw the black-white

orange fragrance, and the decoration color was warm and l

e later, Oli

said was "I've bo

from the bed and asked in a trembl

ealized that I didn'

e appeared on Oliver's fa

us. He spent 14,000

heek with his as he said gently,

nt to have pizza


lemonade, French fr


ed my hand to shake the chain on my wrist.

combed my hair. Then he sat nex

ed to eat was sent here by the

topped on a second thought. Judging from her struggling expressio

diately shouted at her, "Don't call t

ut down the things, and said in a low

lemonade in front of me and l

it happily, Oliver f

se do you want?

m to do anything

eyes at this moment, as if those unfortunate

me. At this moment, he imprisoned m

s love for me to

, I said, "Oliver, please


the ground with hi

he thin skirt cloth and was sent to t

couldn't live anymore, but I always thought that I could see you again when I came ba

and didn't kn

try. Before that, I had been living a hard li

get quite along with my colleagues. And I sought happines

otony was everyt

xcellent and popular in primary school, and then I became an o

rticipated in my life like an inserted episode in my life movie, I w

high school, I was not as st

ed me at the beginning because I beat him. Then he helped me write my name and made up with me because he

ther was no

d with bipolar disorder, whic

s ill, let alone that he went abroad to cure h

me. He would cover his true personality up in front

eatedly for a firm answ

his parents had nev

d of person you are

ke all the cliché stories, she fell in love wit

, she stole a sum of money and el

und out that he had an affair and suffered from pregnancy depression. After the birt

she died, Henry m

Oliver tilted his head to look at me

lp but feel angry. I gritted my teeth and

Oliver laughed and

he door of the classroom before the parent-teacher conference

hanged his expression. App

said that I was ill-bred and beat the elders. He deman

and he was just a scumbag. How co

le person. She perfunctorily replied, "She's

he angrier I got. I couldn't h

and hot chocolate and whispered to me, "If you h

membered that when I was a child, Oliv

you. If I give you the silent

er unilaterally. Actually, he didn'


too busy with my work. Most of the time, when

nnellsville, he called me and sai

inish a plan. I didn't even have time to be surprised that he had ret

ver. Then, with a smile on his face, he told me, "I

liver... But I was really busy at that time. I think you

till smiling, without any change in his expression. "I won'

n slightly and contin

me man in front of me gradually overlapped t

ople I dealt with were all ordinary peo

t that Oliver was

Life had made his whole body full of cracks,

ulgar person like me could even

but I was tortured by work and h

with me in the suburbs. I had promised him. The second day, I cal

ant to do that, I r

end, Charlotte Cooper, had

, a jobless vagabond, kept pestering Ch

jerk was released, he continued to harass Charlotte shamelessly. "Charlotte, it's useless. Yo

ison madly, but Harrison didn't spare her.

was petite

t, and I had worked as a delivery pers

me and pretended to fall in love with him at fi

ther. When Harrison was about to touch me

ul that he knelt down and vomited, I pretended to cry and said, "You loser!

ust had and then spit out a mouthful of saliva with blood,

clenched my fists, ready to fi

behind and looking coldly at Harrison struggling in the air like a chick. Then O

ly loosened his grip and let Harrison fall to the groun


as standing a few steps

o work overtime in the company that day. Now

of silence, I said

looking at me coldly. "Since you fe


sitated for a long time

r looked at me and smiled fa

ound and left wit

weeks, he didn

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