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The CEO'S Fake Bride: Loving My Best Friend's Husband

Chapter 2 It can't be him

Word Count: 3713    |    Released on: 03/09/2023

confusion she felt upon seeing the man who had forcefully tortured her last night. A shiver ran down he

ow could it be him,

eing him again, but definite

e thing she’d ended up doing in her life brought


ything she could to get it done, then close that chapter of her life as if it never happened, but how could fate suddenly play this cruel joke on

her no longer being a virgin, he began to dry his hair then swiftly got into a

handsome looking teenage guy sitting under a Ginko tree with the cool autumn breeze ruffling his hair which was dyed with tinges of green in them as he cas

opened her mouth to utter the name forever etched in her h

in them, he slowly turned around his gaze meeting her tear filled eyes as she sat with the sheets around her body on the bed. The surprise in his e

ove, a clicking sound came as he plopped a pill out of the pack of pills he was holding, it was then that she

, she couldn’t see a single emotion In his gaze but derision, every feature on his face was immensely beautiful, placed together it became the heart jolting looks of this man whose cold aura made hi

r little plan to give me a child and

lls in his hands and that was when she finally realized

s up to look at him again l

y ruin her mission here, she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant if she t

.” He said as if to himself, confirming that she indeed wouldn’t wa

d her head guiltily clutching the white she

intentions of letting anymor

it almost made her shudder as her blood ran cold at the sight of the dark clouds in his eyes, he looked

owing you get any more wins again, because every moment from now till the rest of your life which you’ve dedicated into being my wife according to the wedding vows, you

ng pain when he bit down on her lips making her open her mouth releasing a pained sound that got muffled against his lips, but the pills got pushed into her mouth at this moment

feel her breath getting used up in this struggle where if he didn’t pull away any time soon, she could as well suffocate in his a

ls successfully pass down her throat. Immediately he not

ry he was at the moment. He pinched her chin forcefully pulling up her face to look up at him, “Fighting and resisting will only make things worse for you, there’s no escape from this.” His thick voice rang like the gongs of hell by her ears, he wiped the small trails of blood by the side

biting cold, anyone would feel fear instantly engulf them hearing it, “…don’t you dare call me by that name ever again.” She couldn’t see it, but his expression looked like one that had suddenly recalled something,

ted from her initial expectations. She could still feel the painful sensation on the corner of her mouth as a result of him aggressively forcing the

he fact that the man doing this to her turned out to be no one else but the person whose image in her hear

be you, why?” Angelica cried to herself feeling defeat eating at her heart. She wasn’t surprised that he had becom

ell herself just to ensure her family’s safety, but she would al

was cru

rriage happen using the help of his mother who probably wanted nothing but an heir, and for that, Nicholas must have despised Diana, which Angelica would now have t

enly plunged into


ast it’s golden glow upon the earth, a kno

ng it pour down on her as if it could wash away the pain in her heart. She had stayed in the room the whole day without getting anything to eat, she knew her fate now was no longer in

hair to cover up her own golden blonde hair. That was one of the differences between them both,

d man in a dark suit stood at the door of the hotel suite, the minute he saw angelica he bowed his head slightly in respec

ng silent throughout the way, she didn’t feel the urge to speak plus t

door of the glistening white Range Rover as h

stion and the amazingly comfortable interior of the car, she felt the car slightly swerv

beautiful and sophisticated figurine from which the water spewed in showers. Angelica’s mind had still not been pulled back to reality

to step her feet into another paradise. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration If she were to say she had neve

t to give herself away. Though Diana’s family were quite influential themselves, their wealth absolutely couldn’t be compared to this, never

t to knock, the doors pulled open to reveal a jaw dropping interior. It took a lot for Angelica to not physically show her awe and surprise on her face, but her eyes still wandered. She w

n your arrival. My name is Tessa, the head maid of the Golden gate villa.” A decent lo

the woman had nicely introduced herself, so she had politely done the same by

led, “We all know who

le telling herself not to say anything an

first before dinner?”

ement, before something crossed her mind and her hear

he be here for

as referring to was, she replied, “Ah, master

ould return, it was usually late into the night because he had always been a workaholic person

rior glistened with beautiful golden lights, the doub

time for Angelica to find a casual pair of sweatshirt and pants inside the huge w

ining room. Her jaw was dropping a lot in the span of a single day that she almost could no longer cont

the moment she set her eyes on it, “It’s alright, I can do that myself.” Angelica had to voice to the maids before they fina

the best thing she’d ever eaten but because the food indeed was tasty. After having a few bites, Angelica stopped abruptly as her mind drifted o

ad also given him a good enough sum of money that would be enough not only for their father’s surgery, but would also pay for Josh’s tuition along with enough expenses to keep th

mily’s wellbeing, and for that she

cholas should be completely over right from years ago, he was married now and his life would continue after she left when she co

r his return, this time if something were to happen between them again, she didn’t care how painful the torture would

open, Angelica quickly sat up on the bed seeing that tall f

was about to say something again to reply to the person he was talking to on the phone when his sights suddenly landed on her where s

ce before he also looked away from her then resumed talking on the phone, “Yes, check the files and report back to me in ten minut

and cold presence. The cool night wind blew in through the window making Angelica get on her feet and walked to shut the windows, however the mom

f the masculine body wash on him the moment he passed her. Angelica felt her face heat up just by his presence, but she sl

ould have to seduce Nicholas. Though she knew about his dislike for Diana, she still hesitantly turned towards his direction, she

my desk first thing tomorrow.” He seem

wly touched his back, but when she felt the coldness of his skin, her fear quick

. Slowly he turned around to face her, she looked up at him with w

vil unleashed and u

is voice sounded like a da

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1 Chapter 1 Be my replacement2 Chapter 2 It can't be him3 Chapter 3 Why do you hate me 4 Chapter 4 His hatred would never diminish5 Chapter 5 Since when have you known how to cook 6 Chapter 6 Make him fall in love7 Chapter 7 Friend or foe 8 Chapter 8 When did it start 9 Chapter 9 Scandal 10 Chapter 10 You will fix this!11 Chapter 11 Only chance to fix things!12 Chapter 12 Something else she couldn't define13 Chapter 13 It was him!14 Chapter 14 The past can never be resurrected 15 Chapter 15 A glimpse back to the past16 Chapter 16 Are you following me 17 Chapter 17 A devious plan18 Chapter 18 Traitorous love19 Chapter 19 Another effective revenge method20 Chapter 20 Where have you been 21 Chapter 21 She was crying 22 Chapter 22 Will still forever hate Diana Wilbert.23 Chapter 23 Don't go Nick24 Chapter 24 Accident 25 Chapter 25 Loss26 Chapter 26 Seduce him, trick him...27 Chapter 27 Back so soon!28 Chapter 28 A gamble with the devil 29 Chapter 29 Time to say goodbye 30 Chapter 30 Taste of defeat 31 Chapter 31 Don't get too lost32 Chapter 32 She !33 Chapter 33 Never accept you as my wife34 Chapter 34 Seven years ago he'd fallen in love 35 Chapter 35 How cruel is fate36 Chapter 36 Women can never be fit for business 37 Chapter 37 Had she gotten hurt 38 Chapter 38 He doesn't love me...39 Chapter 39 She would love... but never be loved back40 Chapter 40 The fleeting gaze of the ice cold man41 Chapter 41 Unexpected heat42 Chapter 42 All he could see was her 43 Chapter 43 What have you done to me 44 Chapter 44 He could be attracted to her as Diana 45 Chapter 45 Those darned eyes!46 Chapter 46 Love is always patient.47 Chapter 47 Why he hates the woman he once loved48 Chapter 48 Want to spend my life with you 49 Chapter 49 His perfect Angel 50 Chapter 50 Shocking news!51 Chapter 51 I hurt you, yet I feel the pain.52 Chapter 52 Trapped!53 Chapter 53 Help!54 Chapter 54 I wanted to cause you pain, not see you gone.55 Chapter 55 Why did you let me hurt you 56 Chapter 56 Never hated her!57 Chapter 57 Could be a dream.58 Chapter 58 Not a bad feeling.59 Chapter 59 Head over heels for him.60 Chapter 60 Punishment 61 Chapter 61 Nothing but a substitute 62 Chapter 62 From now on... you are mine.63 Chapter 63 His accidental touch.64 Chapter 64 Because you have this face Angelica!65 Chapter 65 Don't cry my love.66 Chapter 66 A sweet taste67 Chapter 67 Anything for her smile68 Chapter 68 When she let him go.69 Chapter 69 Not just the bag but the man she loves.70 Chapter 70 Are you mad 71 Chapter 71 Surprise 72 Chapter 72 Stay by my side... forever.73 Chapter 73 Passionate submission 74 Chapter 74 Your greatest weakness 75 Chapter 75 Under the gaze of a billion stars.76 Chapter 76 That same woman77 Chapter 77 Take him.78 Chapter 78 Fury for her!79 Chapter 79 Family.80 Chapter 80 Come home.81 Chapter 81 Be the sun!82 Chapter 82 You promised.83 Chapter 83 An old grudge 84 Chapter 84 She was 85 Chapter 85 Party and schemes.86 Chapter 86 Unexpected.87 Chapter 87 Take her down!!!88 Chapter 88 Stay away from my wife!89 Chapter 89 She will be mine!90 Chapter 90 Especially for her!91 Chapter 91 Irresistible.92 Chapter 92 Three days from now.93 Chapter 93 Special.94 Chapter 94 Kiss me!95 Chapter 95 A tease.96 Chapter 96 Five minutes submission.97 Chapter 97 Selfish heart.98 Chapter 98 Last words.99 Chapter 99 It couldn't be him!100 Chapter 100 Tell me what's in your heart.